Alene x Tooth hurty (Angst)

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(TW. Attempted suicide)

 Alene walked towards the train station, upset and tired. She stepped onto the train tracks and sat down. She waited for a train to come. Tooth hurty entered their small apartment and smiled. "Hi, Alene! I brought some trolli worm gummies for ya!" (Alene likes worm gummies now. because i said so) Hyper was met by silence. "I'm sure she's just coming home late..." She reassured herself. She looked around, but then saw Alene's phone and keys beside a piece of paper. She read it quickly and gasped, dropping it on the floor and running out to the train station, seeing Alene on the train tracks with her arms spread out. "Alene! Stop!" She shouted in horror, running towards the train tracks. Tooth hurty grabbed Alene by the shoulders. "What are you doing?!" She cried, gently shaking Alene and looking down. "I'm sorry, dear...I just- I don't want to go on like this." Tooth hurty stared at her in disbelief then shook her head. She took her by the hand and sat her down on a bench. 

"Alene, just... talk to me. You know you can tell me anything." Alene took a deep breath and nodded. "I don't... I feel horrible." Tooth hurty smiled gently. "I'm listening." Alene shook her head. "No, I don't want to talk about it." Tooth hurty nodded. "I understand. Hey, do you wanna go for a walk?" She offered. "Clear your head?" Alene shook her head. "Can we just- go home?" She asked. "Of course" She mumbled, grabbing Alene's hand. Hyper tried talking to Alene, taking her to therapy, trying to distract her. But nothing ever seemed to work. She was safe, for now but...

Hyper knew this might happen again. 

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