Tooth Hurty x Cakey (Angst/Fluff)

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Cakey was sitting down on the couch watching tv and eating cake. Out of nowhere, there was pounding on her door. Hyperdontia's hands were throbbing. Her mouth was ripped off and she was crying her eyes out. Hyperdontia quickly covered where her jaw was with her hands so Cakey wouldn't see her jaw.

"Hi gumdrop" Cakey says happily. She sees her girlfriend's hands over her mouth. "Is something the matter?" Cakey asked Hyper slowly removed her hands from her jawline, Her heart in her throat. Cakey gasped and held her hands to her face. "Oh my god...What happened?" Hyper couldn't speak to let her know. "Oh sweetie..." Cakey whispered sorrowfully. "Can you speak?"

Hyper shook her head. Cakey kissed her on the forehead and hugged Hyper close. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Hyper barely managed to croak out the words, "Novocaine"

Cakey understood. She took a deep breath and kissed her girlfriend on the forehead again. "I'll try to find a way to fix this, ok honey?" Cakey murmured reassuringly to Hyper. Hyper nodded.

Cakey walked outside for a moment and came back with hyper's jaw. She called Nancy over to stitch it back to Hyper's face, and once all was done, Cakey hugged Hyper tightly.

"Where did you find it?" Hyper queried. Cakey chuckled and just said "There is nothing I wouldn't do for you" Hyper was confused, but smiled.

Cakey pulled Hyper into a kiss, wrapping her arms around Hyper's neck. Hyper smiled in between kisses and slid her hands into Cakey's short hair. They finally stopped for air, Smiling at eachother.

"That... was amazing..." Hyper croaked. Cakey smiled and let her mind wander. "It's only been a few hours and I already missed it," Cakey said, her face lit up. 

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