Chris x Cakey (Angst/Fluff)

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 Cakey sat idly on the side of the bed, looking at her hands then looking at the floor. She had never felt so upset before, so angry. She and Christopher had gotten into a fight. Chris walked in, looking somewhat remorseful but it was masked with spite. "What do you want?" Cakey asked, more sad than angry. Chris sat beside her, looking down at the floor. "I'll only apologize if you do as well" Christopher spat. "Sorry" She whispered. "I am as well" He sighed, taking Cakey's hand in his. She smiled weakly, holding her arms open for a hug. Chris shook his head and chuckled quietly, giving in and hugging her. 

They stayed this way for a while, holding each other close, just being happy because they were with one and other. (Yeah, ik that's corny who cares) Chris planted a gentle kiss on Cakey's forehead, making her grin. "For someone called 'The Distortionist' you really are a sweetheart" Cakey beamed. 

Chris laughed sarcastically. "Sure" he replied flatly. 

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