Arc x Kennith (Fluff)

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      Arc ran up to the front porch of Kennith's house, giggling like a child. Kennith answered the door, half asleep. Kennith  sighed, shaking his head. "Arc, what are you doing here?! It's five oclock in the morning!" Kennith groaned. Arc smiled nervously. "I thought you said seven! We were supposed to hang out today!" Arc complained. Kennith glared at Arc. "Five. PM." 

Arc looked down at the ground. "Oh...that makes more sense" Kennith sighed. "Well, you're already here, come inside." Kennith offered. Arc sat down on the couch beside Kennith, who was almost falling asleep. Arc laughed, patting Kennith's head. Kennith leaned his head onto Arc's, yawning. The two eventually fell asleep on the couch. Around eleven Am, the two woke up, on the floor and entangled in each other's arms. Arc snorted, then started laughing, Kennith joined him. The two were laughing together for a while, and they couldn't be happier.

(Omg that was so cringy...)

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