Dizzy x Slurpee (Confession)

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Slurpee was just calmly laying on the couch with her friends Cakey and Christopher. She was thinking. Then out of nowhere, she started thinking about her friend Dizzy. They spent a lot of time together, But now Dizzy was just randomly popping into Slurpee's head. She just couldn't stand the feeling. That she felt something more. Slurpee got up and walked out. She started walking to the outskirts of the city they were located in.

She lifted the flap that was covering the brightly lit circus. "HI DIZZY" Slurpee announced. Dizzy was practicing. She jumped slightly, then smiled. "Heya, Slurpee" Dizzy mumbled. Slurpee felt her face fluster the moment Dizzy looked at her. "Nononononononoononono" Slurpee thought in her mind.

"So, What are you doing later?" Dizzy asked Slurpee. "N-nothing" Slurpee stammered. Dizzy smiled. "Would you want to go somewhere?" Dizzy questioned. Slurpee's heart dropped. "U-uh"

"Calm down Slurpee. JUST FRIENDS. JUST FRIENDS. THATS ALL SHE THINKS OF YOU" Slurpee quickly nods and Dizzy grins. Dizzy sighed. "Just hide your feelings, Dizzy." She thought in her mind. Slurpee looked at the ground, then the colorful tent walls, then back at Dizzy.

"Where should we go?" Slurpee finally says, breaking the silence. Dizzy ponders for a second. "How about a park? Those are fun!" The clown exclaims. Dizzy runs out joyfully and Slurpee follows behind. The cool air blows into Slurpee's face, messing up her hair. They both are silent for quite a while. The clown slowly slips her hand into Slurpee's, as her face turns as red as a tomato.

"Okay Nana. Its now or never." The green headed clown thinks in her head. "SO Slurpee" Dizzy blurts out. The cartoon jumps, looks at her and cranes her neck to look at Dizzy. Everything went black around them. "I'm so sorry. I really am, but. I just don't want to ruin our friendship"

"I think... I think I'm in love with you, Slurpee."

They both fall silent. "So... What your saying is-" Slurpee gets cut off. "Slurpee Charlotte Pierre." Dizzy says flatly. "I LOVE YOU. OKAY?" The clown shouts, smiling and red as a tomato. Slurpee smiles with relief.

Everything was finally coming together.

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