Henry x Nancy (fluff)

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It was quite the normal day. Henry clicking on his typewriter, and Nancy sewing. Though, today Nancy was more worried. Henry was falling asleep at his typewriter, and seemed more tired than usual. Perhaps he was burnt out. Nancy decided, she would make him feel better. It was only the right thing to do, as his wife. "ow" Nancy muttered, she had pricked her finger and didn't even notice. Nancy looked up, Henry was asleep once more.

The next day, Nancy got up earlier than Henry did, and put up the typewriter in a cabinet. Nancy smiled and started making breakfast with coffee, and let Henry sleep in. She called into his work, telling them he was sick. 

Henry walked downstairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Nancy, what on earth are you doing up so early?"  Nancy giggled. "Surprise!" Henry's eyes softened. "What do y'a mean?" He asked. "You looked so tired yesterday, I had to do something! And that something was giving you a relaxing day off." She smiled. Henry laughed, and walked over to Nancy. "Dear, you don't know how much this means to me" he brushed a quick kiss on Nancy's lips. More smiles than actual kissing. 

(Sorry this was really short, I can't really think of anything. It's really early in the morning 😂) 

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