Charon x Norman (Fluff)

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Charon woke up with a start, it wasn't a nightmare that woke him, but more rather the muffled sound of loud music being played a few doors over. It had been about three weeks since Charon and Norman had escaped God's simulation, and they were now taking residence at where most of the other Ghost and Pals characters resided.

The music was faint, but loud enough that you could hear it. He tried to ignore it but every time Charon laid down, he couldn't go back to sleep, how could he with the music being so loud? He decided eventually that he would go down there and complain. Whoever it was certainly had a right to listen to music, sure, but at the volume that the music was, it was unacceptable.

Charon made his way down the hallway and knocked on the door that seemed to be where the music was coming from. He waited a few seconds, no answer. The music was too loud. Charon decided he would just try the knob, and conveniently it was unlocked. Charon walked in and saw Norman, lying face down on some pillows, a small speaker was blaring sad music, and Norman didn't seem to notice Charon. Charon sighed, with a small hint of laughter and walked over to Norman, gently tapping him on his shoulder. Norman immediately jolted upwards, and looked over at Charon.

At first, Charon didn't notice, but as he looked closer at Norman, he got more worried. Norman's eyes were deep and sunken, and still wet with tears. Charon reached to the speaker and turned off the music. He sat next to Norman and thought carefully on what to say. "Are you okay?" Charon asked simply. Norman took a deep breath in, but just shrugged. "I know we just met last month, but you can talk to me about anything." Charon continued, offering a warm smile. Norman sighed, and they were both silent for several minutes. "Well," Norman started. "There's this guy. That I really like, but I'm so scared to tell him, because I know that he doesn't feel the same way." Charon jumped slightly, he hadn't expected Norman to talk to him, let alone about a crush. Norman continued. "I know that he would never love me." Charon began to think, but just put (one of his many) his hand on Norman's shoulder. "You should just go for it, and if he doesn't like you back, that's okay! He's totally missing out." Charon laughed quietly.

"Well, okay." Norman shrugged. He made eye contact with Charon and smiled faintly. "I like you." Charon's eyes widened a bit, but then he frowned. "Damn, now I owe Cakey twenty-five bucks." Charon laughed. Norman stared at Charon a bit in fear, with a bit of disbelief. "Do you not like me back?" He muttered. Charon shook his head rapidly. "No! Of course I like you, why did you think I didn't? We kissed that one time!" Norman backed up. "Well, you said it was just to get us out of the simulation, I didn't think it was anything more than that." Norman laughed nervously. Charon shook his head. "No, no Norman. I love you." He grinned, wrapping Norman in a hug.

(Okay yeah that was cheesy. Sorry lmao)

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