Chapter 20 - Reunited Part 2

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"Me?" I gaped at the words that Kai threw out.

"I mean yeah, who else?" Kai retorted.

"'s What did....I.."

I was cut off by another voice.

"Alright, alright," Scarlet whined, sounding exhausted, "Both of you shut the hell up. Hayley, we are protecting you whether you like it or not. It all depends on what this guy here," She motioned to Kai, "thinks is important."

Kai laughed arrogantly and put out his chest and his hands on his hips as he balled them into fists to give off the superhero appearance, "Yes! I am the king of the world!"

Everyone, including myself, said in unison, "No, you're not."

Kai glared at all of us, relaxing his stance, and proceeded to speak of the plan.

"Everyone gather 'round, I have a plan," He started and squatted, the rest of us inching closer and doing the same, "So, in the hall, there should be around..."

Kai glanced at Mickey who nodded at him.

"Forty guards," Mickey answered.

"So," Continued Kai, "Val and Weuss will take left, Tiger and Jack will take right. Scarlet, go through vents right as you get out with Peter, that should solve the whole Code Red problem. You know what to do once you're in there right?"

Scarlet and Peter nodded as Scarlet answered, "Take out all surveillance and open passageways."

"Good. Now, Hayley, stand by me." Kai's brown eyes pierced into mine with seriousness displayed in his expression, "The entire time. Don't you dare leave my side, if I lose you, I lose everything."

My heart sped up at his words leaving my face red as a tomato. Well, that was quite forward.

"Everything?" I heard Val ask.

"Woah," Weuss gasped, "That's intense, dude."

I blinked and nodded slowly, my eyes remaining on Kai's.

"Great!" Kai exclaimed loudly and suddenly causing everyone to jump back a bit, "So everyone should meet up at the fun house. Deal?"

"One thousand bucks." The rest of the group answered. I looked around to see each of them wearing smirks like they were chanting a spell to merge together and end the world. Ha, they couldn't do that though, my ninja unicorns would stop them. I looked around once more to see them all looking at me with a confused face. I must've said that out loud. My face hit red again, I was too embarrassed to say anything. They shook it off, to my relief, and continued their chant.

"A million." Kai started up again wearing a gigantic smile chucking under his breath. What made him that happy?

"A billion."

"A trillion."

"Sold. Let the fun begin."

The whole group stood and began to walk to the door that Scarlet was previously trying to pick. I walked beside Kai and then realization set in.

"Wait," I paused in my steps, "What about weapons?"

"Weapons?" Kai laughed and stopped in his steps as well. He walked up to me and lifted up my chin with his pointer finger and gazed into my eyes for about thirty seconds before he chuckled again and continued to walk, "You're so cute, Hayley. Come on, we have to make it to tomorrow's dinner appointment by nine, I made reservations a while ago. We were going to celebrate your being here with us and everything. I just hate the timing of this, because now we'll have to rush."

I began to follow, casually before I realized...

He's the only person I know that would do this.

What the hell, Kai?

Gunshots were the first thing that I heard as we ran down the long hallway after busting through the door.

"Room!" Kai yelled. Whatever that means...

Suddenly the group divided into groups as we kept our hands down with our hands over our heads. Kai's hand was enclosed with me as he tugged me along, the others going down the hall opposite of us.

I would've asked Kai where they were going but he looked too focused to even hear me. Suddenly the gunshots appeared to echo further and further away from Kai and I. Then it hit me, the rest of them were a distraction.

I stopped in my tracks and tugged Kai.

"Kai," I called breathlessly, "We have to go get them!"

"There was a reason they went that way, Hayley, baby." He answered me and began to tug me again.

Too out of breath from all of the running, I nodded and went along. Everything Kai does is for a reason... Right?

We made it to a door that was wooden and broken down and exhausted huge dust clouds when Kai kicked it open. I started to cough and attempted to swipe away the brown clouds that came towards my face. Kai didn't hesitate pulling me through the dust bowl and as we went through he suddenly stopped letting what felt like a spider web hit my face.

I let out a piercing scream.

Oh my lord! Oh my lordness! There are spiders here?! They're all gonna eat me and sell my leftovers to some kangaroo out in Antarctica! Wait a second, there's something not right about that assumption...

"Hey! Hayley! Calm down, calm..." Kai rubbed my shoulder and I looked over to him and realized that we were standing in a pitch black room.

"I...I'm...Calm," I assured him and tried my best to look around, now realizing that this was a slightly cramped space.

"Are you?"

I gave Kai a dumb look even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"Why did we stop?" I asked him, afraid the guards would find us soon.

"Do you trust me?"

"Alright, Mr. Aladdin, what are we doing jumping off a cliff?" I joked. Kai didn't answer. Instead, he asked the same question.

"Do you trust me?"

I blinked," Well, yes, but Ka-"

I was shoved off a cliff before I could get another word in. I began to scream, endlessly. It didn't even stop when I landed on a net. I laid on it and screamed even harder when different colored lights began to hit my face and blind my vision. Suddenly there was a dip beside me in the net and as my vision adjusted, I saw Kai sporting a confused look before it hit realization.

"Dammit, wrong tunnel." He cursed under his breath and looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"Stop screaming, baby." He ordered me.

I wasn't aware that I was still yelling at this point and closed my mouth.

"We need to get out here." Kai told me as he climbed off the net and onto a ladder. Wait a second...

I looked around and with my surroundings I made a firm conclusion.

We're in the middle of a damned circus.

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