Chapter 21 - Why Does She have a Fun House, Anyway?

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I felt myself being lifted onto a shoulder while I was frozen in my spot. My body limply was thrown over, what I presumed to be Val's shoulder due to the familiar lack of a shirt. I broke out of my trance and banged on Val's back.

"Val," I called out to him over the gunshots that were being fired at something I couldn't see, "Don't you think that you should put me down? I mean, my ass could get shot, my dude."

I took notice of how my butt was on a nice display for the people shouting back at us to aim for if they really wanted to get under the gang's skin.

"Meh," He answered me in his same exotic accent and continued to walk down the path I only saw from behind. It was beautiful in a sense, given we were at an outside circus. The flowers were spread out in the refreshing, green grass that just so happened to have killer clowns running across it, spears, rifles and stakes blazing fire in their hands.


What the hell...

I screamed at the sight. I hated clowns, I absolutely hated them. I wish they would all die ever since I was a kid. They always creeped me out because they were always smiling, and smiling and goddamned smiling. It's like they have no other emotion to show. Their shoes are too big for their feet. Never trust someone whose shoes are bigger than their feet.

"Hayley, it's okay, you got this." I whispered to myself and peeked through my fingers to see them advancing upon us.

"Kai! Do something!" I yelled across to my boy. He winked at me, from what I could see and pointed to what looked like a funhouse a couple yards away.

"Kai!" I heard Mickey's voice say in response to Kai's silent direction, "Why don't we go to the carousel instead! We might be able to trap them since her clowns are robots anyway!"

At the mention of robots, I relaxed. Then maybe if we went the carousel route we might confuse them and cause them to get stuck in between the bars?

"I agree with Mickey, Kai!" I called out to the man who seemed to ignore all of us and ran off to the funhouse. Great. Now, we had to follow.

"Goddammit, Kai!" Everyone groaned in unison.

Val put me down right as we entered the funhouse and immediately my hand was encased by Kai's as he led us around the many mirrors that were in our sight as we walked through the entrance.

As we ran through, bullets shattering the mirrors from the inside battle going on, I thought of the many turmoils we have gone through as a group. From the "We kidnapped you because you're hot" to the "Goddammit Kai"'s that went on. I will always long for the days that we spent sitting there and eating tacos and quesadillas while periodically being forced to get up and clean by Mickey and Weuss. I especially thought of Kai and I's kiss in the Interrogation Room. All of this got me realizing how deep I am in Stockholm Syndrome. I was tugged farther ahead by Kai bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Mickey, hold her for a minute!" Kai yelled to the back before he let go of my hand and he shot at multiple robotic clowns. I felt the softest hands to ever bless this Earth wrap around mine and my eyes shot out of my sockets.

"MICKEY MY GOD YOUR HANDS ARE THE SOFTEST THINGS!" I exclaimed and the entire gang went silent. Even the robots had to stop and stare. I suddenly felt awkward and out of place before Kai shot another bullet and the entire run and shoot process started over again. They always did seem to have an unlimited amount of bullets.

"Mickey, if she gets hurt, I swear to the Lord!" Kai yelled again.

"Yeah, yeah," Mickey waved Kai off dismissively, "You know if we took the carousel route I'm sure there would've been a less likely chance she would be in harm's way! Just sayin'!"

I heard Kai scoff before more gunshots. All these damned gunshots.

I smiled at Kai's possessive nature though. I mean, I've seen occurrences and read articles about what goes wrong in them. The only time I saw occurrences when it was loved and adored were in Wattpad books, which we're not in...


"Hayley! We have no time to be breaking the fourth wall right now! Focus!"

I rolled my eyes. I was the damned narrator, I had every right. He's the one who keeps butting in.

"I told you this was a bad idea!" Mickey yelled over the helicopters and flying bullets.

"Pfft..." Kai dismissed him with a hand, "You're idea wasn't any better!"

The entire group looked at him with blank faces, growing silent.

"Yes, it was." We all said dismissively and got back to our mission which was, currently, to get out of Edei's funhouse.

A clown's red and yellow, leather glove flew out to hit me however Scarlet grabbed the hand and twisted his arm while yelling profanities and started to pound on him.

"It wasn't--Hold on," Kai stopped in the middle of his sentence to shoot another creepy, walking piece of a human with his black, sleek handgun. I have become immune to the sound and sight guns and the killings that this gang has forced me to become accustomed to. After months of living with them, hearing them practice by shooting the apple off Weuss's head, which only resulted in one accident that I know of, and this crazy adventure, it's become almost daily life. I could probably go through anything now. I'm fearless.

"Hayley! Watch out, there's a spider on your back!"

I stopped running and dropped to the ground, rolling around on the floor to get rid of the four legged creature that was crawling on my back. I heard laughter and looked up to see the rest of them far ahead of me and the whole team of creepy clowns approaching me.

Goddammit, Kai.

I ran faster and caught up with him. He ran up the random set of stairs that seemed to present itself at perfect timing and once we were at the top, we were presented with a helicopter with a person sitting in it, about to take off. Kai hit him easily with no regret as I looked away. Val ran over and kicked him out of the driver's seat, the rest of us loaded in the flying object.

"Ha! My idea was better." Kai boasted himself.

"Shut up, Kai," All of us said in unison.

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