Harry Imagine - Grumpy

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“But I don’t want you hanging out with him.” Harry grumbles moodily from across the room.

He’s watching TV with his feet propped up on the coffee table, while you sit at the dining table trying to finish some college work but, Harry isn’t helping one bit with his bad mood.

“You can’t tell me who I can and can’t go out with Harry.” You look up from your work to glare his way.

“Yes I can.”

“No you can’t.”




“NO!” You finally shout slamming your black pen down having had enough of him being such a jealous child. “Jealousy is an ugly look H, stop it.”

“I am not jealous.” Harry says as he moves from his place on the couch to stand directly in front of you. You turn and start to face this argument head on.

“Well I think you are Harry. You wouldn’t be acting this way otherwise.” You cross your arms over your chest and he mirrors your actions by doing the same.

He is such a child.

His arms suddenly go around your waist holding you tight against his hard body,  the tip of his nose touching yours as he looks down to stare into your eyes.

“I am not jealous but, I am not having another man spending his time with you. That’s my job.” He murmurs sweetly.

“What?” Your brows furrow.

“I want to be the only guy you spend your time with. I want you to need me like I need you.”

“I do need you Harry,” You whisper.

“You do?” His eyes are wide and full of shock. This boy has so much self-doubt.

“I wouldn’t be here now if I didn’t.” You smile sweetly up at him.

“I love you so much baby.” He leans so he’s trailing kisses down your face, neck, then back up to your lips.

“I love you too.” You giggle, breaking the kiss to copy him by kissing his face.

“I love that sound, giggle again please.” And you can’t help giggle as his hands trail up and down your sides tickling you until you finally submit into his kiss once more.


Harry's so cute hehe! If you want an Imagine please comment your name and the member you want it with and i'll write it and post :D - Kelly xxx

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