Liam Imagine - Saying 'Yes'

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You are waiting in your bedroom for Liam Payne, your boyfriend to finish up on the toilet. He's taking quite a long time and you really want to go on your date with him as you hardly get to see him much because of his work. Another few minutes pass and you grow really impatient.

'Liam, hurry up, we're going to be late for the film!' You say loudly while standing up from your bed and start pacing around your room.

'Yeah! Hold on...' Liam says sounding distracted.

Finally after another five minutes Liam walks out. You see him quickly put his phone away in his pocket and walks back in to your room.

'Why did you have your phone out?' You ask curiously.

'Oh...It fell out.' Liam replies while messing with his hair. 'Anyway, you ready?'

'Yeah, let's go!' You say quickly as you start walking out of the room.

You both start walking down the street, Liam holding your hand.

'What film are we seeing again?' Liam asks.

'Umm, not sure what it’s called but all my friends say it’ amazing.' You say and Liam nods his head.

After a long twenty minutes wait in the lone for tickets you finally get to the check out to buy them.

'These are the only seats left...Sorry about that.' The ticket seller says as she hands you both your tickets.

You walk in to the room where your film is being shown and you find your seats, they aren't the best but you don't mind as long as you’re with Liam. As you sit down Liam whispers to you,

'I love you.'

You’re shocked as it was so random of him to say.

'What bought that on?' You ask, smiling.

'Nothing, I just wanted to tell you.' You both smile and you lean over the chair arm to hug him.

'I love you too!' Liam leans in to kiss you and you kiss him back.

The movie is half way through when Liam suddenly stands up. You hear people moan and groan behind you but Liam doesn't seem to care.

'LIAM! What are you doing? Sit down!' You whisper loudly.

Liam takes a breath then bends down on his knee facing you, everybody's attention on you both.

'This is going to sound so weird but I have it all planned out so…we have had our ups and downs since we started dating, mostly to do with distance and the amount of time we see each other but I want that to change. I love you so much, marry me?'

You can't breathe. This is the greatest thing ever. You jump up from your chair and Liam rises with you. You jump into his arms shouting,

'Yes,yes,yes,yes and yes of course I will!' Both of you lock lips in front of everyone.

You hear people start clapping and saying 'Awh'. You almost forgot they were there; you are so happy and excited.

You and Liam both run out of the movie room and straight outside and behind some bins for privacy. It’s not the best place in the world but you don't even care anymore. Smiles are glued to both of your faces. You still can't believe this is real and Liam asked you to marry him. As you both start kissing again a thought pops in to your mind. You pull away from Liam's kisses and ask,

'Why did you really take so long in the toilet this morning?'

After a short silence Liam answers, his voice shaking a little from the adrenaline of everything happening.

'I was talking to your mom. I, I mean we have been planning a surprise party for our engagement.' You laugh,

'How did you know I'd say yes?' Liam looks down shyly.

'I guessed, I guess.' You both laugh and start kissing again.

'I love you so much Liam!' You say breathlessly.

You are so stocked for the future. This is really one of the best days of your life.

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