Zayn Imagine - Being proud

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‘It’s okay babe. You’re nearly there, push!!!!’ Zayn says soothingly to you as you’re giving birth to his baby child.

You have both been married for under a year and you have both been so excited for your first born child. All of the nurses are running backwards and forwards to help you feel more comfortable on the bed and the one nurse is telling you exactly what to do and expect for the next few minutes. Everything is a blur and then suddenly the nurse says,

‘It’s a baby girl.’

You hear your baby start crying and you look over at Zayn who is crying with happiness. The nurse takes her to the side for a few minutes to clean her up and then she brings her back to you and places her in your arms. Again you look up at Zayn as he moves to stroke your wet hair.

‘I’m so proud of you. I love you both so much.’

He kisses you on the head and touches your baby’s soft cheek.

‘What shall we call her?’ You ask tiredly.

‘I was thinking Ashley?’

You look up at him surprised and then you smile and nod your head.

‘Beautiful name.’ You say looking down at Ashley.

‘Just like her mother.’ Zayn says as he kisses you softly on the lips.

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