Alyce - Zayn Happy Imagine

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"You know that I love you, right?" Zayn whispers quietly into your ear.

"Yes why?" You add a little hesitantly.

Zayn silently takes your hand in his and his lips curl up into his famous shy lopsided grin. Your eyes unlock from each other’s as Zayn turns his head to talk to the taxi driver, leaving you feeling just a little worried.

"Stop here mate," He says loud enough to be heard over to roar of the taxi's engine.

The driver mutters an 'ok' and pulls up to the side of the silent road.  Its night time and about an hour ago Zayn abruptly said he'd like to take you out somewhere but you have no idea where you're going. It's not your birthday or any anniversary you can think of and you've never liked surprises but you're willing to let Zayn do what he's doing now because you love him too much to say no.

After the taxi driver has taken to his next job you're left standing beside your boyfriend. Your hand still held comfortably in his.

"What are we doing here?" You ask after scanning the area around you.

You're in a quiet street in London. You've never been this far into the city before and you wonder why Zayn has taken you here.

"Come on it's just around the corner." He ignores your question purposely.

"What is?" You continue questioning, your brows furrow downwards.

"You'll see." Starting forward Zayn pulls you lightly with him.

You're hesitant to go but you trust Zayn with your life. It takes only seconds to cross the road and turn the corner and what you see takes your breath away.

You see small star shaped garden lights are hung loosely in the hundreds of trees before you. With it being night time the glow from the small objects blossom beautifully. There’s a small stream trickling west from where you’re standing. The sound is serine and peaceful.

Under one of the larger oak trees you see a small white table compact with steaming hot food and a bottle of your favourite wine positioned next to the plates. Two identical white chairs have been placed at either side of the table and everything else just blurs into a phenomenal piece of work.

You have never been here before and you wonder if Zayn has set this up for just you too to enjoy. You silently hope so. With both yours and Zayn’s work the last few months have been hectic; it would be lovely to spend time with him - alone for once.

"Please don’t cry," Zayn turns you to face him.

He brings both his hands up to cup your face, slowly wiping away your unknown to you tears from your face. Your eyes are drawn to his eyes which shine beautifully in the small light. He’s so attractive.

"Happy tears Zayn," You smile up at him. "I love you."

Wrapping his arms around your waist Zayn kisses you on the top of the head, his words are muffled by your hair but you hear him perfectly. "I love you more. We can spend as long as you like here Alyce. There’s a hotel room booked for us around the back too."

"I want to spend forever here," You whisper sadly.

"I wish so too," He whispers back. "I don’t like being away from you Alyce; I miss you too much when I can’t see you."

"I miss you too…"

Without another word Zayn guides you to the glorious table full of food. You’re favourite food. After the first bite of spaghetti bolognaise you know Zayn must have cooked the food. It’s divine. He loves adding his own twists to the food he cooks and he has defiantly done well this time.

"That was really good Zayn," You finally break the silence of you too eating.

"Thank you," He says wiping his mouth of a red napkin.

After a moment of confusion you ask: "How did you cook this when I have been with you half of the day?"

Laughing Zayn shakes his head as he stands up and offers you his hand to take. You accept it without hesitation and he pulls you up close to his body.

"I dropped by this morning to take care of some of the preparations," His smile is mischievous.

"You said you were in a meeting this morning Mr," You tease.

Without answering Zayn crashes his lips against yours. You feel like this has been the best few hours of your life and you never want it to end. But you know it has to so you want to make every moment feel extra special, and you know Zayn feels this way too.

The kiss deepens and you know that things are going to be taken further. The electric charge in the air around you both is going crazy. Zayn looks at your questioningly and you silently nod your head in agreement. Picking you up bridal style Zayn takes you to the hotel room he booked, kissing you nearly every step of the way.

Tonight has been the happiest night of your life, thanks to Zayn.


I hope you like it, sorry it's taken a while I've just been really busy with college :)

If anyone wants an Imagine written just leave your name, who you want it with and what sort of imagine you want it to be, below and I'll write it as fast as I can :)

- Kelly xxxx

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