Caitlin - Harry 4 Years On Imagine

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*4 years ago*

“Harry I'm moving away.” You sob into his chest as his strong arms entwine around your waist.

“Are you sure?” His voice cracks as his arms squeeze you just a little bit tighter.

“My dad wants me to go live with my Aunt down South.” You suck in a lungful of air before slowly carrying on, “He says that he can’t afford to let me stay with him anymore and I know things must be serious because he would never just abandon me unless he had good reason and…”

“Hey, hey look at me.” Harry interrupts your sob filled drawls. Taking your wet chin gently with one of his big hands he tips it up slightly so you’re looking up at him, his other hand is cupping your rosy cheek.

“Where ever you go we will always be together. We’re unbreakable, you know that don’t you?!” He whispers into your lips as he again entwines his arm around you while cupping your head in place.

But as you succumb to kissing Harry back you know that it won’t ever be the same - not after you leave. Suddenly your heart hurts so much more and your sobs turn ten times more intense, a painful headache throbs through your temples.

Is this what a broken heart feels like?

*Present Day*

Work, work, work oh and look more work…Why do I have so much work? You think to yourself with a deep sigh in complete frustration as you throw your pen onto your desk. It bounces off and lands on the floor with a dull thud but you decide to leave it there as you stand up to stretch. Three hours of nonstop work has left you feeling stiff - you need some fresh air.

Quickly deciding that being cooped up inside on a hot summers day isn’t good for you; you grab your purse and head out for a walk. As you trudge down the sidewalk you suddenly laugh as you ask yourself; why did I go to college again? Never did you realise that if you missed one class would you become so far behind in assignments. Your mind is a whirlwind, so jumbled up you don’t even know where to start.

“Whoa watch it!” You mutter as you suddenly collide with a hard figure.

“Sorry.” The figure quickly says placing his hands on your hips to steady you. His voice is deep and raspy but has a slight edge to it which makes you want to look up.

Your eyes nearly bug out of your head when you realise who is stood before you. No it can’t be you think to yourself. You step around the guy suddenly feeling self-conscious but he steps the same way as you in an awkward little dance. He can’t be here…

“Caitlin?” He suddenly asks as recognition flashes across his face.

“Harry…” You look down at your feet embarrassed.

You haven’t seen Harry in nearly 4 years. You dated for a long time (nearly 6 months) in high school, before you moved away and even though you said you would you never kept in touch. You dodged his phone calls, ignored his emails. You even set fire to the letters he sent you – a bit extreme but you were suffering from a broken heart at the time. You didn’t think long distance would ever work so you didn’t even try. It didn’t take long for Harry to get the picture and after a while it just stopped and you both moved on.

Until now…

“How have you been?” Harry asks breaking through your thoughts of the past.

“Good, how about you?” This is awkward, you’re both stood in the middle of the street, his eyes watching your every move like they always did in a caring manner and, the way you’re trying to avoid his gaze bouncing from one foot to the other.

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