Niall Imagine - Old Friends

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Niall Horan, he’s the most popular guy at your school and he’s the guy all the girls have a crush on including you. You have liked him since before you even started school. Your mom and his mom are best friends so you always used to play with him when they used to hang out but they hardly ever see each other anymore because of work, which is okay with you because you’re really shy.

It’s a Saturday and you’re walking down the stairs from your room when you hear your mom call you from the bottom. You walk in to the kitchen and sat at the table with your mom is Maura, Niall’s mom.

‘Oh, hi.’ You say quickly before looking at your mom awkwardly.

‘You remember Maura don’t you? Niall’s mom,’ You nod your head.

‘Yeah, I do, where is Niall?’ You ask while messing with the skin on your fingers.

‘Oh, he’s coming.’ Maura says looking out of the window.

The door suddenly opens and in walks Niall, he looks so hot, you can’t help but smile. He looks right at you and he smiles which makes you blush.

‘Hey. Good to see you.’ He says.

You’re actually stuck for words, you’re just about to blurt out something stupid when your mom says, ‘Why don’t you both go and watch some TV?’

You turn around quickly and go straight to turn on the TV and sit down on the sofa. After a few minutes Niall joins you and sits next to you. There’s silence for what seems like forever and then Niall speaks,

‘So, how are things?’

You look at the floor as you reply, ‘Fine.’

Niall shifts his position on the seat to face you, ‘I know we haven’t talked in ages but you don’t have to be quiet around me, you know?’ 

You smile and look at him, he is smiling to. ‘Sorry, it’s just your one of the popular kids in school and I’m just me, I feel a little...weird.’

Niall looks at you closely. ‘Don’t feel weird I mean, I really like you.’ Your face must show pure shock because Niall blushes a little bit and says, ‘You know I’ve always wanted to date you.’

‘Really?!’ You ask too quickly.

‘Yes, your beautiful, plus I’ve grown up with you so I know like everything about you, and you’re the only girl I know that is true to herself, and I love that.’ You laugh.

‘Yeah you do know everything about me, except one thing, I really like you too.’

Before Niall can reply your mom and Niall’s walks in to the room and motions for Niall to leave.

‘Um, you want to hang out later?’ Niall asks before leaving.

‘Yeah sure.’ You say quietly.

‘I’ll facebook you when I’m free.’ Niall moves to hug you and you hug him back, when he kisses you on the cheek you blush and both of your mom’s laughs. Wow, Niall is perfect.

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