Niall Imagine - Jealousy hurts

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Niall Imagine:

You were Niall’s friend from the very start, he introduced you to the rest of the boys one summer, and you spent the rest of the break with them making them grow to love you and your bubbly personality. How could they not? It wasn’t in an ‘I want to date you’ kind of way though. You always felt like your relationship with the group was more of a sibling relationship - except Niall. Your feelings for him were totally different.

His personality matched perfectly with yours. Among the group of very diverse personalities you got along with Niall best, seeing as you have known him longer than Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn. Your heart stopped at every text message he sent that could be a signal of flirtation and butterflies took over your tummy at every glance he spared your way. You always told yourself he’ll never see you that way and that you should keep the thoughts of Niall’s dazzling eyes to yourself. And that’s what you did, until the end of summer.

It has been just over 3 months and Harry has starting to pull his tricks on you. Brushing up against you and holding your gaze, though it doesn’t feel the same at all. You’d look at Niall and you’d realize he’d be staring the whole time. Your eyes would meet for a split second then he would look away and occupy himself with anything available. He has grown cold towards you and snaps at Harry more frequently.

Today though you’ve found yourself left alone with each other - Zayn, Liam and Louis are out with friends and Harry’s gone to get some snacks for a movie night. It feels awkward. He won’t speak and whenever you open your mouth he acts nonchalant towards you. You can’t hold your anger in anymore; you’re already fit to burst.

"What is your problem Niall?!" You ask, heat filling your face, turning it to a deep crimson color.

"What?" He replies as the same shade of red starts creeping onto his face as well.

You stand up from the couch you were sitting on. “Don’t ‘what me’-” you make air quotations with your fingers “-you’ve been weird lately, what’s happening? Did I offend you in any way? Did I say something wrong? Because honestly I can’t find any reason to have you act this way around me. I really don’t understand, Niall. And I need you to explain to me what’s wrong.”

"Maybe if you and Harry weren’t so PDA I wouldn’t be so flustered!" He snaps.

"PDA? Where the hell did you pull that out of?"

"It’s pretty obvious, I know you’re seeing each other!"

"What? Why would you think that?"

Silence dwells for a couple of minutes. The atmosphere starts to grow thicker and thicker as each minute passes. Sighing you start to walk out the door, giving up.

"Stop," He says slowly. "I think you’re amazing… and I like you. I know you only see me as a friend, I get it. But before we drift apart anymore without any reason, I’d like to make it clear. I like you. I always have."

Shock - that’s all you can feel right now.

"I’m sorry, I should go." Niall murmurs. That sounds ridiculous; it’s his house you’re in.

"Niall stop." You approach him, hands shaking at your sides but you ignore it. The boy you’ve mooned over for so long just admitted he has mutual feelings. You aren’t about to screw it up now.

You take his hands in yours and squeeze tight while boring your eyes into his. “I like you too.”

From the corner of your eye you see Harry holding a bag of snacks, peeping from the edge of the door with a smirk formed on his lips, at that moment you realize Harry has been making moves on you because he knew about how Niall felt. He was trying to get you together with Niall by making you both jealous – and it worked, but you don’t care. Nothing seems to matter at the moment.

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