Harry Imagine - Brothers best friend

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You’ve always had this huge crush on your brother’s best friend Harry Styles. You’re not sure why you like him so much but you find him adorable and everything about him always makes you smile.

You’re waiting in your kitchen for your friend to call you about some homework when your brother walks in with Harry. You suddenly feel butterflies in your stomach and you’re not sure what to do.

‘Hey,’ Your brother says while opening the fridge to grab some juice.

‘Hi…’ Is all you can say as you lock eyes with Harry from across the room.

You see a smile run up his mischievous face and you feel as though you’re going to blush so you look away quickly. Everyone is silent for a moment and then you decide to get up and go into the dining room. You pick up your books which are really heavy and the smallest one of the top is hanging over the edge getting ready to topple to the floor. It’s nearly to the edge when Harry moves over quickly and replaces it on the top while at the same time never taking his gaze from you. You’re eyes are locked and you feel as though you could stay this way for eternity. The Harry whispers,

‘Do you want to go see a movie this weekend?’

You can’t believe that he has just asked you out on a date. You didn’t even know he felt that way towards you but you don’t care you want this to happen so you nod your head and a smile curls Harry’s soft lips.

‘Great, I’ve been meaning to ask you for ages, but I was always to nervous.’

‘Really?’ You ask completely shocked you never knew he felt the same way.

‘Of course,’ He chuckles deeply and you automatically smile back, you love his laugh it’s so…it’s so wow!

You’re really not sure what to say anymore. Harry has just asked you out the only time that has ever happened is during daydreams and even then it doesn’t seem real. As if Harry knows your shocked he kisses you softly of the forehead for he turns to walk up to his room with your brother and all you can do is stand there breathing hard, mind racing happily.

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