Liam Imagine - Same feelings

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You’re best friend has been dating Liam Payne’s best friend for a while now, and whenever they meet up to hang out it’s always you and Liam left alone together. It used to be awkward, because you have a crush on him but you look forward to seeing him now because you’re both getting closer each time you see each other.

You are both just chatting about your day and then suddenly Liam says, ‘My Mum asked me if we were dating.’

You are pretty sure you stop breathing and you know Liam sees you blush but you say, ‘Why would she think that?’

‘I don’t know’ Liam says looking at you. ‘I really like you, you know?’

You can’t help the smile that appears on your face.

‘I really like you too.’

You’re nervous about his reaction, you’ve never done anything more than kiss a guy on the lips before and Liam knows that about you as well. You look at him and he’s looking at you like your friends look at each other.

‘Can I take you out for dinner sometime?’ You giggle at him impressed.

‘That would be nice.’ You say excitingly.

He reaches for your hand pulling you into him; he presses a tender kiss against your lips, grinning as you settle against him.

‘I was hoping you’d say that.’ He says.

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