Harry Imagine - Never leaving

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Things are going great between you and your boyfriend Harry. You have been dating for about 4 months now and you are both so happy. You have nearly everything in common but you hardly get to see him much anymore because he’s always traveling with One Direction.

You are both sat on the sofa at his house having some quality time with each other which is really rare.

‘Haz...’ You say moving in his arms to look at him.

‘Yeah?’ He says looking back down at you, you see his eyes shine in the light and it makes your stomach go all funny. ‘Can I ask you something?’ You say quietly without meaning to.

A confused expression flickers on to Harry’s face and he asks,

‘Is it something bad?’ You shake your head and you see relief flood over his face.

‘I just wanted to ask you if you’re okay?’ Another confused expression crosses his face and you see he doesn’t understand what you’re saying so you carry on. ‘It’s just you seem really upset and…and I was wondering if I’d said something to upset you?’

Harry moves his arm from around you and you sit up straighter on the edge of the sofa to see him better, he moves to look at you and laughs a little when he says,

‘It’s not you. It’s just I’ve missed you so much lately and when I’m with you I know I’ll just have to go again and leave you for long periods of time and it breaks my heart to leave it, each and every time.’

You’re shocked by Harry’s confession you never knew he felt like that but you’re not one hundred present sure on how to reply to him so you move closer to him and kiss him and he kisses you back without hesitation moving his arm slowly up your arm and to the back of your neck but before you can go any further you pull back slowly, breathing hard as you say,

‘I’m not going anywhere you know that right? I miss you like I’ve never missed anyone before when you go away but it only makes me love you more when I see again. I love you Harry!’

‘I love you more.’ He says with a sly grin on his face as he pulls you closer to him again and starts kissing you and you kiss him back passionately.

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