Louis Imagine - Being flirty

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You have been dating Louis for a few years now and you’ve been living together for just over a month. You’ve felt really stressed out with the move and everything as everything is happening really fast. You have just got home from a day out with your Mum and you are completely surprised to smell the dinner already being cooked.

Walking into the kitchen you see Louis naked except for a cooking apron tied around his waist. After quickly scanning the items he is cooking you realise he’s trying to make the meal you first had on your first date. You laugh and cover your eyes because you can see Louis’ bum. You hear him turn around and you move your hand to see him pouting

‘You find this funny?’ He asks jokingly.

He turns back around and wiggles his bum at you, as you walk over to him.

‘Omg, babe?’ You say wrapping your arms around him.

He smiles hugging you back tightly and reaching behind him to switch off the cooker.

‘I wanted to do something nice, because you’ve been so stressed.’ He whisper’s in to your ear.

You kiss him tenderly on the lips before saying.

‘Just don’t burn the house down then,’ Louis turns back around and you smack his bum and he jumps and you kiss his exposed back.

You sit down at the table as Louis says, ‘It’s all about you tonight baby!’

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