Harry Imagine - Our future

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‘I love you.’ Harry tells you as he wraps his arms around your waist and leans towards you and sloftly kissing your lips.

‘I love you too.’ You say with a love struck grin on your face as you kiss Harry back.

Harry has just got back from a world tour with One Direction and you were at the airport waiting for him. As you saw him walk through the door you ran straight in to his arms. You’ve missed him so much. You both move out of the hug and start walking out of the airport.

‘I have some pretty good news.’ Harry says as you both start getting in to your taxi home. ‘I don’t have to be at work now for 2 months, so I’ve decided we’re going to spend every day together.’

He winks at you and puts his arm around you as you wiggle in your seat to sit closer to him.

‘Harry that’s fantastic.’ You say enthusiastically.

‘I also wanted to look around this house…’ Harry says after a few minutes of silence.

‘Can I come? I want to make sure you don’t move into some horrible damp pit.’ You say while playfully elbowing him in the ribs.

‘Ow and yeah of course after all it’s your house too.’

You turn your head to look at him shocked.

‘What?’ You ask.

‘I want to buy a new house and I…I want you to live with me?’

‘Oh My Gosh! Harry!!!’ You jump up a little bit and wrap your arms around Harry’s neck excitedly. ‘Yes of course!’

You pull back just far enough to see into Harry’s sparkling eyes and then your lips lock with Harry’s ask the taxi driver starts to drive you back home.

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