Louis Imagine - Loosing you

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‘Lou I’m sorry I don’t know why I said that.’ You splutter to your boyfriend Louis Tomlinson.

‘Why did you say it? That’s all I wanna know. Why did you just tell over ten million people that you don’t love me? I just don’t understand!’ He spits out as he pushes you out of his arms to stand up from his seated position.

He starts pacing around the waiting room of one of the most popular radio stations in the world. Tears are running down your flushed cheeks and when you look up at Louis from your seat you see his eyes twinkle in the light; full of tears.

‘I don’t know.’ You finally manage to say.

Louis stops pacing and runs his hands aggressively through his dark untamed hair pulling at the ends as he says,

‘I don’t know…Is that all I get, seriously?’

You don’t say anything in response you just look down at your picked at fingernails.

‘We’ve been together for nearly 6 months. That’s a long time for me. I find it so hard to trust people and then when I let my guard down for a split second someone, you, have to smack me right in the face. Do you know how heart-breaking that is for me?’

Tears are now streaming down Louis’ too pail cheeks. He swipes his hands up over his face to wipe the stray tears away, his eyes are rimmed red. You shake you head as you don’t know what to say. You do love him but not the famous Louis he is when he’s singing in front of thousands of screaming girls or being interviewed for a worldwide magazine you love the normal guy Louis he was before he agreed to be in a band and you hate seeing that famous guy so much.

Finally after what feels like an eternity of pure tortured silence you take a deep breath. Louis has now sat slumped in the chair opposite you. His hands clasped behind his head as he slowly takes calming breaths with his eyes closed.

‘Louis I do love you it’s just…’

Louis’ eyes shoot open at your hesitation.

‘Just what?’ He urges.

‘It’s just I can’t do the whole ‘famous’ thing anymore. I can’t do anything anymore without someone making up a lie about me, about us and it’s all because I’m dating Louis Tomlinson the guy from One Direction.’ You’re spitting tears all over the place and you are just about wailing like banshee.

You feel Louis’ hand on your arm, his soft caring touch. You look up from your hands and you see Louis doesn’t look angry anymore he just looks sad, so, so sad. You choke on more tears as they try to force themselves out of your tried eyes. Louis brushes his hand over your cheek to wipe them away. A small smile curves his mouth as he looks at you.

‘You really love me?’ He asks quietly, nearly a whisper. You nod your head and then Louis continues. ‘I love you too. Love is so hard to come by then you’re in my situation and I can’t lose it – I can’t lose you – We can work through this, we can get the press to make up some story about what you said, we can say you were joking but everyone took it seriously!’  Louis suggests in a pleading voice.

‘Lou, I love you so, so much and I don’t want to let you go either because when I’m with you I get this feeling that I’ve never encountered before and that feeling  makes me love you even more.’

You take Louis’ hand and press it more against your cheek. You look at him, you really look at him. His perfectly shaped face, his eyes that are rimmed with dry tears, his messy but well sculptured hair, you take every last bit of him in because you know you will never see it again so closely.

‘We’re over?’ Louis whispers as new tears race down his face.

‘Yes.’ You say as you stand up, with Louis mirroring your movements standing next to you.

You look up at him and lean forward for one final goodbye kiss. It’s full of passion, fire and unsaid works. When you pull back Louis leans his head against yours.

‘Don’t leave me.’ He pleads; with so much sorry in his voice it nearly makes you rethink your decision.

‘I’m sorry.’ You say as you slowly pull away from the one guy you’ve ever loved.

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