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               《Chapter twelve》

                  《Earlan's pov》

  The days I spent with my beautiful, charming, smart, intelligent, sexy, sweet, charismatic wife I didn't want to end. She had everything I couldn't find in one woman before and I still can hardly believe that I found her the one. She was quite understanding with her uniquely brilliant mind and I felt like the luckiest man alive, Sariah was one of a kind.

I kissed her one more time on her cheek as she lay cuddled asleep in my arms, my heart feel like it would burst with joy. Sure we've had lots of great sex but it was her personality that stands out the most. I pecked her again on her cheek. I did not want to wake her but I squeezed her even more to me, our lovemaking half an hour ago was exceptional.

I didn't think it was possible to have so much nature for one woman, as my cock hardened again and I thought oh damn. I've never been able to get a hard-on so quickly again until I was with her, Jah know something must be wrong with me.

She shifted a little and her sexy firm ass settled more comfortably on my hood, I need to get up and get a spliff to ease this tension because she has already been asking me if I planned to kill her with sex. I close my eyes for a minute then woke up an hour later alone on the sofa bed. The aroma of food cooking filled my nostrils and I smiled. Yes, Earlan this woman makes me feel like a complete man.

After washing and drying my face, I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen, my heartbeat was cutting up some seasonings on a cutting board. I hugged her from behind and gave her a peck on her neck. "Hey sweety," I said lowly. "A wha sweet yuh?" She asked as I grinned. "Always you," I told her. "Humn," I looked at the time then took my phone and called Pelpa who should be on his way now with my children.

He said he was en route, I took a short walk up to the back where the treehouse was almost completed. It was more of a prayer walk, Rajae passed me and we hailed each other. I love all of Sariah's children even Rajae, I wish I had met her before but my old self wouldn't have appreciated her this much. I was too high-strung then, I admitted to myself and I wasn't even sure I would have gotten that sweet first kiss either.

I snorted while I muse to myself, I usually didn't kiss any woman after my first love break my heart. Seeing sweet Sariah without a tongue ring surprised me, it was the trend now for everyone who gave oral sex to wear tongue rings and after checking her file with mummy and seeing her age I thought I wouldn't bother myself with her. However on the next visit to my mother when I saw her, I couldn't stop thinking about her after.

I use to think that once I'd gotten a taste of her, she would fade into the background like the others. One taste tied my rass and all now I can't pull, it's like I couldn't function well without her. She had me having wet dreams, fantasizing and daydreaming about her, I still do.

Pelpa arrived and I walked to where he was helping my children out from the vehicle. Their smiles and daddyyyy make my heart swell with pride every time. Rajae was talking to Sariah when we entered through the back door. I continued up the stairs with the children to help the triplets change out of their uniforms.

Rajae wasn't his usual joyful self when we all sat at the dining table to eat dinner that evening. His birthday was coming up and he was planning a party without Sariah's knowledge. He was having problems with one of his taxi drivers who had a crash recently.

The location near to a river where Rajae wanted to keep his party, was close to where that driver resides and the driver was issuing threats to Rajae saying if Rajae kept the party at his place, he wasn't going to pay for the damage done to the car. He was bringing a lot of badness to Rajae and Rajae's friends and the taxi man's friends were in a bitter dispute.

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