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             (Chapter fourteen)

                (Earlan's pov)

  Rehearsal was tiring or maybe it was just me, after checking with Sariah I booked her flight so she could accompany me on tour. The media was buzzing with clips from Rajae's party as I relaxed in the living room upstairs, it was truly a phenomenal one.

  I was still fuming in rage at how she didn't pay me any mind at the party, she came out of her room sat on my lap and started to rock on me. What she was doing caused my hood to get hard, I turned off the television plunging the room into darkness and cocked her up giving her a stiff backers right there.

  Tearing up the divorce letter and throwing the pieces on her bed that night, I squeezed her finger painfully putting back on her wedding ring.

Her pov

  The rain was falling heavily when I woke up, I didn't prepare that much breakfast since me and Earlan hasn't been eating that much. I wasn't sure I would be sending the children to school in this rain and today being Friday.

  After messaging the helper to not try to come in this downpour, I set about baking some vegetable patties, loaves and other baked goodies we would be taking with us. When the rain eased up Balla came and I told him I wasn't sending the children to school today.

  Earlan came into the kitchen and greeted us, he was fully dressed and took up his cup of tea when I presented it to him, good thing I didn't make a lot of breakfast I thought. He kissed me affectionately on my lips and told me he'll see me later.

  I checked my laptop and viewed what Torcha was up to with Riri, Earlan's phone belongs at the Riverton dump due to the contents on it, however, I know that Torcha was the instigator. He was the one answering to Earlan's fans and admirers and he belonged in prison. After Earlan went to court I was going to crash the phone, I was already setting up new fan pages that one of my nephews would manage.

  On tour with Earlan when I checked my laptop again, he had added more numbers. Earlan lay beside me sleeping while I watched the back and forth texting between Torcha and a female. He told the woman how good she looked and asked if it was possible that they could spend some time together and she agreed.

  Later that night he was down in Earlan's ears before the show, how disrespectful of him I thought angrily, knowing I was here and still setting up Earlan with women, imagine when I wasn't here.

  I was angry at him and hurt, I went and pulled Earlan discreetly away and for the rest of the time, I made sure he was right beside me. After his performance I was walking back to the car with Pelpa when I realize, he and the others were not yet there.

Normally he would already be in front of me to the vehicle, I turned back with Pelpa asking me where I was going and I went backstage to see him talking to three females. Torcha was there smiling with him and I recognized the woman from her WhatsApp profile picture, I tried to walk over there but I was stopped by security personnel that says I didn't have a VIP pass.

  I was surprised and checked my ticket because I always had a VIP pass, I called Earlan's phone and watched Torcha look at it and pocketed it again. Pelpa looked uncomfortable and I walked off towards the car, he followed me saying a few things to cover for them.

  When they finally came to the vehicle and we went back to our hotel, I asked Earlan why I did not get a VIP ticket and he was surprised. I knew by now that Pelpa must have told Torcha that I saw him ignore my calls and I smiled sweetly at him the next morning when he gave me an excuse about it.

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