Chapter 25

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                 Chapter 25

                《Sariah's pov

  Knowing it wasn't wise to spend the rest of my life alone, I went into a relationship with Raheem's dad which only lasted for six months when I discovered I was pregnant. It was also at that time I found out he was cheating on me and when I dig deeper it was with his ex-girlfriend.

  I ended it right then and there and he started showing me bad face. I was glad he lived miles away from where I lived, I used the excuse that he was away to a few inquisitive neighbors and so-called friends. He was the only one out of my children's father who had helped out a little financially. We didn't keep a good relationship though because he is forever telling me he still wanted me. Tsk.

  Sidoney's father Patrick is a whole mess, I did not even like the fucker. It was my thirstiness that got me involved with him. Thinking he was decent enough so I could get some sex now and then, the idiot didn't even know anything about sex, but chat and gwane boasy. I thought something was wrong with me and swear off men, until I was working for a professional prostitute a year after having Sid.

  Patrick's dick head was normally bruised or torn after or between sex and I was sometimes left bruised and tender even before we finished having sex. He usually cursed or past snide, rude comments about my vagina and I left him when I was only two months pregnant. It's not like he was giving me anything anyway and I was distressed at having another child for another man I was not settling down with.

  On one faithful day, the prostitute had some of her friends over and they were speaking about their solicitous activities past and present. It was then I learned that my vagina was extra tight and full of gum. It was ucko and tight. I was in awe as I continued to serve them drinks and snacks while listening discreetly to their conversation.

  So I knew that I was perfectly all right and having children did not make a woman's vagina get slack or lose its gritting quality. Working with that woman had taught me a lot more things too, some sexual styles to tire out a man's back. Some I intend to use on that fucker lounging on the couch, I thought glancing at him as I head to my office.

  The weekend came and I was excited to have Carissa over, I had given Balla gas money and asked him to for her and her children. Earlan was directing the cleaning and refilling of the pool while I seasoned the fishes, lobsters and shrimps he had bought.

  Pelpa who was helping me brought in the big pot of boiled corn. I stacked them in two pressure cooker then add my secret butter ingredient and put them on the fire for ten minutes. I was in a good mood and I prepped beef, chicken, cow tongue and goat not sure what we would feel for the following days.

  The aroma of the goat soup emanated from the kitchen, I kneaded some flour with wholewheat and made some small spinners. Then add some diced potatoes followed by the rest of the seasonings and covered back the pot.

  Next was my special mac an' cheese pie and when I set that to bake to the desired taste, I made a deliciously tasted salad, then fried the roast breadfruits and pressed fry the green plantains.

  Dinner was almost ready when Carissa and her three children arrived, my children were excited to have company join them but I knew them well enough to know they had their minds on competing against the new arrival. Younglord smirked as he listened to the other children speak about how good they were at swimming. I smiled secretly to myself he was going to be a force to be reckoned with. Whereas Raheem would speak or boast, he hardly even speak.

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