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the clock said it was 12 am 5 hours after ranboo had hung up. with a sigh Mandy stood up from her bed and put on a black tank top and some sweats throwing a hoodie over the tank. she combs her hair and grabs her carton of cigarettes. walking out of her room she walks the hall to the living room and slides her shoes on

"leaving?" a voice behind her makes her jump

"yeah" she sighs trying to calm down her heartbeat "i don't know when i'll be back" Mandy plays with her rings and Ma nods

" text me if you're staying over" Mandy scoffs

"yeah i won't be staying over" she mutters and opens the front door

"not taking the car?" Ma inquires and Mandy shakes her head

"it's like a 5 minute walk" she shrugs and ma smiles

"tell Ranboo i said hi" she says nonchalant and Mandy stills

"yea-yeah" she stutters walking out of the house.

closing the door behind her she takes a deep breath and puts a headphone in, leaving one out. playing "lips of an angel" by hinder she starts her journey to Tubbos house.

the cold winter air of new york was whipping past her, faint smell of cigarettes made her aware of her addiction. as she pulls out the carton she stops dead in her tracks, this wasn't the carton ranboo had gotten her. this was the carton she kept her joints in. with a frustrated sigh she combs a hand through her hair.

"fuck it" she laughs. the beginning of "i will not bow" by breaking Benjamin cuts her thoughts off as she walks alongside the pavement. with a slight hum she notices the houses getting more and more fancy, she notices how the trailers and run-down one stories start to fade into suburban two stories and then modern ones with architectural thoughts pouring out of them.

she walks up to a white brick two story, the grass had been freshly cut and there wasn't a leaf in sight. on either side of the house were gates, one that needed a remote, and one for workers to go through with ease. walking to the latter she slowly opens the gate and climbs the steps to the back patio

In shock, she looks around at the huge backyard. She was standing on a concrete patio that has a bar, outside seating, and a TV. walking down the steps towards Tubbos apartment, there was an in-ground pool with LEDs shining off the water and onto her skin.

looking back to tubbos apartment or "pool house"; she hears faint laughter, she smiles and walks towards the door.

"who the fuck" she hears a gravel-low british accent that didn't sound too fond of her. she whips around and finds Tommy, in his black hoodie and jeans.

she's stunned, her mouth parted and her face pale. his face looked angry and hurt

"What are you doing here" His tone hasn't changed, as if it dared her to speak.

"i-" her voice chokes. She feels tears well in her eyes.

what was she thinking? she couldn't do this. before tommy could speak up again, she quickly walked past him her heart beating a million miles per minute

she makes it to the side gate before a hand on her shoulder blade stops her, she jumps and turns to see ranboo with a worried expression "where are you going?" he asks concern lacing his voice

"home" she says sternly turning back to the gate "i can't do this" she whispers as she fumbles with the gate

"it's better if we all talk you know" he leans back to the side of the house

"it's better if we all just go back to our normal" Mandy quips cursing at the stuck gate  and ranboo snorts

"oh come on Blondie, me and you both know that's not normal for you" Mandy pulls her hand away from the gate and scoffs

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