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"wakey wakey" she hears before a pillow is thrown on her face making her flinch

"what the fuck bill" Mandy groans hugging the pillow that was just thrown at her

"why were you looping; in your own words 'one of the saddest taylor swift songs known to man'"

"it's easy to fall asleep to" she mutters her eyes still closed

Bill raises an eyebrow before grabbing her phone and opening it

"noooo" she groans but doesn't do anything to stop him

"Oh come on Andy, what have we talked about!" bill sighs as he looks at youtube

"not to watch his videos because it makes me spiral" she says rehearsed and bill chuckles

"you were doing so well for what? six months? don't let this ruin that" he nudges her and she picks her head up

"you're right" she nods and sits up rubbing her eyes

"When am i not?" he scoffs and Mandy hits his arm

"now go get dressed, we're going out" he stands up and Mandy raises an eyebrow

"to where?" she asks and bill shrugs

"out" and he's out the door

Mandy groans before getting up and walking to her closet, picking an outfit out; she walks out her bedroom door

"now will you tell me?" she huffs and bill shakes his head

"nope, now come on periwinkle" he interlocks arms with her and she snorts

"What are you then? the inventor with the glasses?" She asks and Bill grips his heart in offense

"don't do my man bobble like that!" he scoffs and Mandy laughs

"sorry didn't know you were such a tinker bell enthusiast" she rolls her eyes

they get into the elevator and check their phones until it dings. getting out, they walk across the lobby floor

"Bill, just tell me where we're going!" she huffs crossing her arms

"nope! also smile!" he turns his phone to her and she quickly covers her face with a middle finger

"i hate it when you do that" she shakes her head and he snorts getting into the drivers seat of the car

"i have to get a before and after photo" he shrugs as he pulls onto the main road 

"before and after for what?" she furrows her eyebrows and he smiles

"your haircut" he glances back at her and she scoffs

"what the fuck! i like my hair!" she defends and he blinks at her

"really? '' he cringes and Mandy glares at him as he puts the car in park outside a salon

"get out of the fucking car" she huffs opening the back seat door

"why'd you sit in the back seat?" he snorts as the walk into the hair Salon

"i don't know, it's roomy" she shrugs and he snickers

"appointment for Maggie" he smiles at the receptionist and she ushers Mandy to her seat

"Maggie?" she asks and bill shrugs

"fits i guess"

she rolls her eyes and sits down

"hi! I'm Gabby!" a girl hurried over to her and Mandy's eyes snap to hers

"oh, hello" she smiles and glances over to bill who looked just as surprised as she did

"oh shit let me get my mask" she chuckles and Gabby smiles

"yeah, sorry since the pandemic is still here we still need our masks" she points to her mask and rolls her eyes

only then did mandy realize a little crown on the side of hers

Mandy gives her a tight smile as she puts on the black fabric mask

"okay what are we thinking today?" Gabby claps her hands and mandy looks to bill who was pulling up a picture

"like this" he angles the phone away from mandy making her roll her eyes

"i didn't consent to this" she shakes her head and Gabby laughs

"it's okay, it will look good" Gabby nods

Mandy inhales a deep breath, nods, and Gabby gets to work.

After an hour of sitting, Gabby rinsed her hair and dried it. Mandy looked in the mirror and chuckled

"It's not bad," she shrugs before her eyes go wide. " I mean, you did amazing! i meant from what he picked out" she explains and Gabby laughs

"Oh girl , you're good! Trust me, I know how to take criticism. plus i knew you were talking about him" she chuckles and mandy lets out a sigh

"also i wanted to ask you something" she looks at her hesitantly and Mandy nods slowly

"what's up?" she asks and Gabby sits on the counter in front of her bringing her head towards Mandy's

"are you Magdalene?" she whispers

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