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god. who the fuck likes monday.

Not Mandy. Mandy was passed out in her bed, her tear stained cheeks still sticky from crying all night.

Mandy lays there peacefully sleeping, until a tap makes her more conscious. Stirring, she tries to fall back asleep, until a loud knock jolts her awake. stunned she turns her head to the noise

there sitting on her roof was bill, a shit eating grin plastered on his face. he was wearing black jeans, a band T-shirt, a black beanie, and red jordan's

letting out an annoyed groan, she gets out of bed and lazily walks to the window opening it.

"Morning sleeping beauty" he chuckles crawling into the room

"there's a door for a reason jughead" she yawns rubbing the sleep from her eyes

"Well there's no fun in that now is there?" he inquired, looking around the room

to distract herself she rearranged and re decorated her room, her bed was still in the same place but the dresser was now in her closet and her desk was pushed up against the wall next to the door. some photos taped above it

"i like it" he nods approvingly and Mandy scoffs

"so glad I got your opinion" she says sarcastically before motioning to the door "now get out i need to change" she says rubbing her face again

" kicking me out already?" he says in fake offense walking out the door

"don't flatter yourself" she glares playfully before closing the door

walking to the closet she grabs her black ripped skinny jeans, dark green two button long sleeve shirt, and some once white tennis shoes.

brushing her hair, she fixes her septum and grabs her school bag. she walks out into the hall and sees bill leaning against the wall closest to the stairs on his phone

"finally, come on elle woods we're going to be late" he rolls his eyes and walks down the stairs

following him, they walk out and get into her car

"where am i driving?" she sighs turning the car on

"just follow hampton road and take a right on Narrow" he directs and Mandy nods

"we could've just walked,'' she scoffs. not even two minutes later they were pulling into the high school parking lot

Bill shrugs "didn't think you wanted to walk in the cold"

"good thinking" Mandy snorts before parking the car and getting out

"Mandy connor, i welcome you to Southampton high" he folds his arm in front of his torso and gestures to the school with the other

"what a warm welcome" she says sarcastically as she rubs heat into her arms

"yes yes, now enough with the chatter, we've got to get you to the main office in about..." his speech wavers off as he checks his phone and smiles

"now" he looks up at her as the bell rings and she scoffs

"wow Johnny Smith, been plannin' that one?" she quirks an eyebrow and he and waves a hand at her dismissively

"you and your complicated references.  now! come on your new life starts today" he quickly walks behind her and grabs her shoulders rushing her into the building

walking into the glass doors, the halls buzz with noise and lockers slamming. bill wavers through the stampede a grip on mandy's forearm so she doesn't get lost, mandy notices Bill wave to a group of people

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