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Mandy opens her flat door, then the guys haul in his suitcases

"what's you back in here? bricks?" Tommy huffs setting them on Malachi's bed.

"those are just my clothes" he grimaces at the older boy and Tommy scoffs

"my clothes fill up a drawstring most!" he says surprised

"that's sad" Kai frowns and Tommy laughs

"no it's not!" he defends

Mandy chuckles and Gabby pipes up

"their waiting in the lobby" Gab says excitedly and ushers for everyone to follow her

"Wait can i take Kai up to Tubbos?" Mandy cringes and Gabby nods

"of course come on" she grabs mandy's wrist and Mandy quickly grabbed Kai's.

"i can stay home on my own Emmy" he groans and Mandy snickers

" i'm sure you can" she nods truthfully "but, Tubbo misses you" she explains and Malachi smiles "really?" he asks and Mandy smiles

the elevator opens and Tubbo waiting outside with a smile

"Mal!" Tubbo laughs and Malachi runs to give Tubbo a hug

Mandy waves as the elevator closes and lets out a sigh

after a moment of silence Tommy speaks up

"i honestly thought me or Ranboo were gonna be his favorites" Tommy chuckles and Ranboo smiles and nods chuckling along with him

"yeah same, that took me by so much surprise" Ranboo laughs and Mandy grins

"Tubbos' always been Kai's favorite" Mandy shakes her head and Tommy scoffs

"That's just not true" Ranboo pipes in and Mandy tsks

"observations boys," she points to her eye and winks walking arm and arm with Gabby

"Reggie!" Gabby yells slipping her arm from Mandy's and running to the blond male

Mandy smiles as Gabby and Tommy greet their friends, standing back in the elevator room.

"You know after 4 years Markus still looks terrifying" Ranboo leans on the wall next to Mandy and she snorts

"and why aren't you greeting them? weren't they your friends too?" Mandy asks and Ranboo shakes his head

"Nah, they were never really mine, they were always Gabby's and Tommy's" he smiles

"but it's alright, i didn't want much friends anyway, too much work" he cringes and Mandy laughs

"yeah High School was definitely my prime" she nods and Ranboo snorts

"Social life? yeah." He nods. "Looks? you get more beautiful everytime i see you" he tsks and mandy chokes on a laugh, her cheeks starting to feel warmer

"wow" she scoffs in disbelief "oh my god" she covers her face with her hands letting out nervous laughter

"you looks cute when you're flustered" he chuckles and a wave of Deja vu crashed into him

Mandy felt the wave too, she had slowly gotten control of her nervous laughter and her eyes softened from the glare she was holding

for a split second, they were teenagers again, sneaking around with hushed voices, they never talked about the kisses after, the two just wanted an escape from the hell they were living and ran with what they had.

but now, those worries behind them, they have a clear mind. so, what if they chose to talk about it? what if they wanted to see if it would work in their favor? but, how will the others feel about it? what if-

lips being placed on hers drowned out any thought she had, she leans in just as he was pulling away. he smiles before backing up fully and the muffled voices crashed over her ears as the others stepped into the elevator room

Mandy quickly looks to the front with a small smile and gets into the elevator last

"you alright Mandy?" Tommy chuckles and Mandy nods quickly

"oh god what have you done Ranboo" Tommy groans and Ranboo chokes on a laugh making Mandy chuckle

"wait Mandy? the hoodie girl?" Dylan asks and Tommy hits his shoulder

"shut up Dylan" he mutters and Dylan smiles

"The Schlatt one?" Mandy asks and Tommy forms his lips into a line

"oh my god it is" Dylan laughs and Tommy glares

"wait your hoodie girl?" Reggie asks and Mandy shrugs

" I guess, unless he's given another girl a schlatt hoodie" she snorts

"i thought you had the hoodie tom?" Dylan asks and Mandy furrows her eyebrow

"you do?" she asks and Tommy nods

"yeah it was in my locker one day" he knits his eyebrows together

"i didn't put it in your locker" Mandy scoffs

"then it was probably Bex or Hayden i dunno" he shrugs and Mandy purses her lips

"Probably" she shrugs and walks out the elevator to the front door

"Tom how many people do you know?" Reggie chuckles and Tommy laughs

"oh i know all of Mandy's friends from high school in new york, then you lot from College" he shrugs taking his shoes off by the door

the other tall man whose names hasn't been said; mutters something to tommy and gives him a fist bump which Tommy returns, with a smile

"Mandy, this is Reggie, Felix, Dylan, Markus, Alex, Zach, and Macy along with Reggie's girlfriend Maya who are showing up shortly" Tommy introduces and Mandy nods

"Nice to meet you all" she waves and they all wave back

Tommy yells something about a movie, as Mandy walks up the stairs to check on Malachi

Malachi was playing on the Xbox as Mandy walks in giving him a smile

"where's tubs?" she asks and Malachi shrugs

"he left like 15 minutes after you did" he moves his headset and Mandy nods

"alright if you want to go home just text me and i'll give you a key" she smiles and closes the door back before opening it again

"you're totally welcome downstairs by the way" she says quickly and Malachi smiles

"just wanted that to be an option" she smiles before closing the door and walking down the stairs

"sorry just checking on Kai" she laughs and sits next to ranboo on the end of the couch

"what are we watching?" she asks and Dylan smirks

"spider-man" he nods and Mandy snorts

"which one?" she asks

"the best one?" Dylan says like it's obvious and Mandy chuckles before leaning back on the sofa.

"oh i hate this part" Mandy grumbles as she sees the tower come into view

Ranboo slowly grabbed her hand and Mandy smiles, she squeezes his hand and he squeezes back a soft smile lifted his lips

as Gwen dies mandy's eyes are little watery, she chuckles a little at the fact that's she's crying, Ranboo playfully hits her shoulder

"did you just laugh at her dying?" Ranboo scoffs and the group falls into laughter

"yes death enlightens me everyday" she says puffing her chest out and ranboo scoffs

"you're a monster" he shakes his head and Mandy snickers

she lightly squeezes his hand and he rubs small stars on the back of her palm.

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