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mandy opens an eye and glares at her phone, she ignores it and closes her eyes again


"for fucks sake" she groans, grabbing her phone. she scrolls through her notifications seeing that she has a lot of messages from random numbers.

she decides to go on twitter first. she did not want to deal with the possible threat that her phone number got leaked, and if it did she would find out on twitter anyway.

going to trending, she didn't see anything about her phone number but she did see "THEY LIVE TOGETHER" and that brought out a worrisome of questions.

clicking on a clip, it's of Wilbur playing Geoguesser and Tommy's door can be heard closing in the background

"Wilbur you'll never believe what just happened" Tommy laughs and you can hear him sitting in his chair.

"oh god, what happened?" Wilbur rolls his eyes and tommy scoffs in disbelief

"I heard muttering and keys jingling outside my flat right? so i go and open the door, only for it to be Maggie" tommy laughs, and Wilbur's face went blank before he started laughing as well

"what she lives in the same building or something?" Wilbur asked amused and Tommy chucked

"i guess, said something about hitting the wrong floor,"

"but that's not even the funny part; she turned around because she didn't have her mask on, not to mention i'm pretty sure she was high" he says the last sentence with a higher voice to make it sound like he was joking

but he wasn't, Mandy was high off her ass last night, she barely even remembered the encounter.

"i'm sure she wasn't, she's been stressed lately" Wilbur shrugs and goes back to the game

"what? you two close or something?" Tommy snorts and Wilbur smiles

"guess you could call it that" he shrugs and the clip stops.

Mandy just gapes at her phone, she didn't know if she should be scared that Tommy may have outed her for being a stoner, or how creepy and ominous Wilbur has been. she shivers and rubs her hands on her face trying to get her in some sort of headspace.

she gets up and picks out an outfit, then walks into her bathroom and takes a shower.

she rinses her hair and body, and pampers her self a little. She then jams out to 'rise above this' by seether.

drying her hair, she checks her messages

tick tock.

*** *** ****
hey it's Niki x

*** *** ****
Idk why niki gave me your number but it's jack

*** *** ****
hello maggie
question for you
do you like drugs?
this is Tommy btw

*** *** ****
hiii it's gabby :3 x

*** *** ****
hey fellow faceless person tis i Ranboo

*** *** ****
hey it's Tubbo

her eyes widen at all of the texts and decides to text bill


i'm going to skin you
you fucking cunt

good morning Andy
i see your more charming than usual x
for what do i have the pleasure?

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