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Mandy, Ranboo, Tommy, Tubbo, Kai, Rory, Aimsey, bill, and the parents were sitting in the living room eating some build-your-own tacos as they were lightly chatting. Bill and Aimsey had the misfortune of sitting ing on the floor in front of the coffee table.

"So Ranboo," Mandy's father speaks up, capturing the teens' attention. "What college are you thinking of going to?" he asks as he takes a bite. Mandy smiles at Ranboo from beside him and he answers.

"oh uhm, i don't think i'm going to college" he says weerily glancing at Mandy who gives him an encouraging nod.

"oh? why's that?" he asks, smiling at the boy.

"well i already have my dream job, and i want to pursue that for as long as i can" Ranboo nods and fiddles with the hem of his shirt.

"and what's this dream job?" he asks and Julia rolls her eyes

" Richard, stop interrogating the poor boy" Julia says, hitting his arm lightly.

"oh no it's fine" ranboo chuckles "i'm a content creator, i stream on twitch and occasionally upload on youtube." Ranboo smiles at the older man and he nods.

"that's one tough job, how many subscribers do you have?" he asks and Ranboos smile grew

"almost 4 million sir" he looks down at his hands shyly and richards eyebrows rise

"don't go all shy on me now, that's one hell of an achievement" ranboos bashful face only grinned.

"thank you sir, tommys the hot shot though" he laughs and tommy's head perks up

"aye?" he asks, making the rest fall into laughter. "Sorry this taco is really good," he laughs, setting it down on the table.

"this is the first time i've heard you speak, you really do know a lot of british people" bill speaks up making mandy snort

"oh yeah, toby's british as well" she points to the brunette who had also just taken a bite. he quickly chews and smiles

"you really asked me to speak as soon as i took a bite" he leans over the couch and shoved mandy making her laugh

"fuck off" she says without thinking then immediately covers her mouth. " I am so sorry, tha-" she defends before Julia lets out a laugh

"you're good hun! you should hear aimsey when she streams" she shakes her head and aimsey chuckles

"nothing like hearing 'Oi you cock' at 12 o'clock in the morning" Richard imitates aimsey making her roll her eyes

"I do not sound like that!" she lightly slaps Richard's knee making him chuckle.

"well i think it's these two little one's bedtime!'' julia smiles at the two young ones who were basically falling asleep in their food

Richard gets up and picks up Malachi who whines "emmy" he pushes off richards chest

"i got him, it's alright" Mandy smiles standing up

"You sure?" he asks and Mandy nods

"what else do you think i've been doing the past 6 years?" she snorts, and takes malachi who wraps his arms around her neck

Ranboo watches her and julia walk up the stairs, Aimsey and Bill not far behind. they said they were going to stream and said goodnight

Richard lets out a heavy sigh as he sits on the couch. "is that true?" he asks looking towards the three boys and they all nod.

"she's been taking care of him for as long as I can remember," Tubbo speaks up "always cancelled plans because she needed to take care of him"

Richard runs a hand over his face as a scowl forms over his face "the only reason i let her stay over there was because it was better living circumstances, i was living out of my truck most of her life. it wasn't until about three years ago i got on my feet." he looks over to the boys

"she would've moved in if she didn't have such an attachment to you guys" he chuckles softly "even after the fight, she still wanted to stay. the poor girl has gone through hell and back and she's not even 17" he shakes his head

"I'm gonna check on her" Ranboo gets up and walks up the stairs not wanting to hear how she could've lived this life if he wouldn't have met her.

walking to Malachi's door she hears faint humming. opening the door slightly, Mandy crouches in front of Malachi's bed, tucking him in as she hums. she kisses the top of his forehead and walks to the door only to jump as she sees ranboo leaning against the doorframe

"Jesus boy scout, make some noise" she whispers walking past him

"i'm sorry" Ranboo blurts before realizing what he said

Mandy turns to him and motions for them to move out of the hall, they end up walking to her room and she closes the door

"Now, why the hell are you apologizing?" she chuckles looking up to him

"i'm sorry for keeping you in new york, you could've been happy sooner if-" he cuts himself off with a sigh and mandy snorts

"what? if we weren't friends?" she finishes and Ranboo nods

"Ranboo, if we weren't friends I wouldn't be here right now. i'd be six feet in the ground at age 9" she breaks the eye contact by looking down at her shoes

"you're my light, i needed you to distract me from my fucked up life and you just got dragged into it, if anything i should be apologizing i dragged you into this shit show" she chuckles and looks back up at him, then sighs

"which is why i'm dragging you out of it, after this weekend we won't see each other and we'll slowly move on. it'll be hard but-" she's cut off by lips being placed on hers

shock filled her body before warmth took over, she found herself kissing him back a hand resting on his shoulder while his rested on her jaw

slowly he pulls back and stares into her eyes

"No" he smiles and she just stares at him speechless

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