437 22 3

you got shit?

yeah i'll get you on hollis

be there in 10
read 8:23 PM

Mandy gets up and grabs her skateboard that was leaning against the front door. Her mom was in her room, her light snores being inaudible by a louder, heavier snore that was laying next to her.

She had just dyed her hair black, her first fight with the guys had just happened and she felt out of control. she didn't know what was happening or what was going to happen. She needed to control something, and with her mom's box dyes under her sink, she took a chance.

she was wearing skull pajama pants that she got from Walmart 2 christmases ago, her bare ankles were covered with black tube socks. She was wearing a black hoodie with 'jschlatt & co' written on it, She had taken it a week prior from tommy.

she skates down the street, the water on the ground from the previous storm was flying under her wheels with a satisfying 'swish'.

the dull lights from various cars that would dare to come over to this side of the neighborhood were scattered around.

her eye makeup was runny and blotchy from crying quietly in her room. it wasn't running down her face, but she had missed a few spots when she was wiping her face

she was going quite fast, she didn't want to keep him waiting. she didn't know what would happen but she didn't want to find out.

she got to hollis in 7 minutes, she was panting and leaning her back against a wall as she caught her breath from the skate.

after she had finally calmed her breathing down, a scruffy 16 year old guy walks her way wearing a dark purple hoodie and black sweat pants. he nods his head to her and goes in for a dap, mandy reciprocates and like magic the money was in his hand and the weed in hers, along with a carton of cigarettes.

Mandy opens the pack and sees a small sticky note folded inside

seemed desperate when texting, we need to work on your plug language lmfao


fuck off grayson

it's true!!

she snorts before turning her phone off and skating back to her street.

Mandy laughs at the memory, Grayson knew he didn't have to be dramatic, he just thought Mandy enjoyed the adventure.

the same blonde boy was sitting in her passenger seat just off of a main road. She had kept in touch over the years, he moved to Brighton almost 6 years ago to live with his friends.

"so you're a streamer?" He asked fanning smoke away from himself, he was her driver back to her flat.

"yep, Magdalene on twitch" she chuckles exhaling smoke

"interesting. do you want me to drive you back home?" he asks motioning to the roach of a joint

"please?" she asks her eyes half lidded.

grayson nods and switches seats with her. he puts the car in drive and drives off.

comfortable silence filled the car for the rest of the trip and up until he was walking away to his house down the road

" i'm here if you need me mandy" he daps her and she mock salutes

"aye aye captain" she says with fake seriousness making her giggle

Grayson shakes his head and walks down the pavement, many waits until he's past the block then walks into the main lobby and up into the elevator.

she lets out a sigh and walks to her door


she sticks her key in the lock, but to no avail it won't unlock. she looks at her key with furrowed eyebrows and tries the next one.


tries the third

still nope

she was getting frustrated at this point and drops her arms to her sides. then her door opens and she hitches her breath in surprise.

"Tommy?" she asks before covering her face with her hands

"Maggie?" he asks rubbing his eyes

Mandy furrows her eyebrows as her hands shake in front of her, she turns around to where her back is facing him and answers

" I am so sorry, i thought this was my apartment. fuck i hit the wrong floor" she face palms and tommy just blinks at her

"you live in this complex?" he asks and mandy nods

"yep, found out yesterday. really i am sorry" she lets out a sigh and Tommy chuckles

"it's alright, why are you facing the other direction?" he asks chuckling

"faceless remember" she chuckles and Tommy nods

"oh," he mutters, he didn't mean to let it sound like it hurt him. he was tired.

Mandy cringes and points to the elevator "i'm gonna go, sorry Tommy" she chuckles and hurries to the elevator before clicking the right floor and waiting for the door to close.

as they close she lets out a sigh and leans her head back on the wall.

the doors open to her floor and she gets out and goes to her door and unlocks it this time

"well at least i know my keys work" she mutters and falls on her bed. passing out.

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