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Walking into the school with a confident stride, Mandy wears black baggy leather pants, a black halter top, a denim jacket and combat boots, her hair being thrown up into a distraught ponytail.

As she reaches her locker she sees a familiar face in her peripheral vision, it was Ranboo, he didn't glance at her once as he walked the hall in long strides. Mandy's heavily smoked eyes narrowed on the boy but her gaze was interrupted by a pissed looking Olivia.

with a groan, Mandy closes her locker and turns her full attention on the blonde whose eyes were basically red with fury

"where were you?" her shrill voice made Mandy's ear bleed

"calm down britney pretty sure mariah carey couldn't hit that one" the girl quipped as she rubbed her ear

"this isn't funny! We had practice yesterday!" she huffs, crossing her arms

"look princess, i have an actual life outside this school. sorry. I already talked to coach about it so why are you whining?" Mandy rolls her eyes walking towards her next class

"because we have a game next week" the shrill of her voice fades into a softer one as we pass classes and she was now tightly grabbing her bag

"I understand that, I won't disappoint" Mandy nods her head and Olivia slowly reciprocates the nod

"see you later andy" Olivia waves to the girl with a genuine smile. Mandy furrows her eyebrows at the interaction and hesitantly waves back giving her a small smile

she walks into her algebra class, this time Ranboo was two seats in front of her writing something on the corner of his notebook, curiously she walks down the aisle and peaks at his notebook

lost in you
3 dys grce

her eyebrows shot up, she didn't take him as the type to listen to that type of music, she quickly walks to her seat and pulls out her headphones, quickly finding the song she hits play and smiles at the familiar sound


lost in you 3 days grace
8:45 am ( EST)




Walking to lunch, she quietly takes an empty table in the back of the cafeteria. she pulls out her headphones and scrolls through social media. Curious, she goes to youtube and types in the first name she remembers

11m subscribers

her jaw fell as she checks the others

3M subscribers

3M subscribers

she scoffs as she clicks on one of Tommys videos

she jumps as the loud voice blasts in her ear drums "IN THIS VIDE-" she quickly pauses the video and turns her volume down before unpausing it


she didn't take her eyes off the screen.

she was so immersed that she didn't hear the bell ring, it wasn't until she felt a hand on her shoulder that she was aware of where she was.

"hey, you alright?" the boy she had just seen on her phone was now standing right in front of her.

"Yeah, yeah" she nods and closes her phone. she grabs her bag and takes her tray to the trash

"you have an indent on your hair from your headphones" she notices as she turns around

"yeah Wilbur's told me off enough about that. wait how did-" he's cut off by her chuckle

"bye cookie monster" she smiles and walks to her 4th period.

walking to her locker she runs into Hayden of all people, she hurriedly grabs her stuff and quickly tries to escape

"hey mandy, we missed you at lunch" he jogs up to her and she glares at him

"i bet you did, i have to go" she states sternly and speeds out the building walking to her subaru crosstrek her mom let her drive when she went out of town.

letting her head fall to the steering wheel she let out a shaky breath and started the car letting the heat hit her face.

picking up her phone, she hesitantly clicks on a contact.

Richard Connor

"hello?" a gravelly voice picked up.

"hey dad" Mandy says, a little distraught, she scratches her eyebrow as she tries to come up with a sentence. "i just needed to ask something"she chuckles lightly

"Shoot kid" he chuckled and Mandy took a deep breath

"are you on your feet? like could you take care of malachi for a couple weeks or maybe even a month?" she asks quickly. her dad was silent for a while, she almost thought he hung up

"why are you asking?" he says more weerily this time.

"well, uhm, short story, i'm filing a police report and the person said if i filed a police report they would make sure i would lose Malachi and i didn't want to take any chances" she says her voice breaking at the end as tears filled her eyes. god she hated crying.

"yeah, i gotta stable home and income. he's welcome for however long it takes" he says comfortingly and Mandy lets out a shaky sigh

"thank you dad it really means a lot" she nods as she says it

"Of course pumpkin" she could hear the smile in his voice

"talk to you soon" she sniffs and ends the call.

She pulls out of the half empty parking lot and makes her way to the elementary school.

as Malachi gets into the car and buckles up, Mandy makes her way to the police station, drumming her fingers on the way. as she pulls into the parking lot she unbuckles and gets malachi out of the back seat

"c'mon buddy" she chuckles and Malachi looks around confused

"where are we?" he asks and Mandy looks down to him

"a police station" she looks back up and opens the clear door

"why?" he asks and Mandy side glances to him

"i'll tell you when you're older" she mutters and walks up to the counter

"Hi, what can I do for you?" the lady at the front desk smiles at her making Mandy's heart wrench

"i would like to file a sexual assault report form" Mandy gives the woman a tight smile and the woman's face fell

"of course! here are the forms i'll have someone come out to question you soon" The lady nods her head and as Mandy was about to leave the woman speaks up again

"thank you for speaking up, it means a lot" the lady smiles genuinely and looks back to her computer

sitting down, she takes the pen and writes down basic information, then she gets onto Hayden's info. she reads the first question. 'Suspect'

Hayden Oliver Conroe.

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