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"you saw the handprint too, right?" Tommy asks Ranboo as they get into Ranboos Pontiac

"of course i saw it" he snaps and Tommy sighs

"did you see anything at lunch?" Tommy asks, his fingers tapping against the center console.

Ranboo was driving Tommy and Tubbo home, Tubbo painfully quiet in the backseat, the same facial expression he had on as they were sprinting after Mandy from the lunch room.

"yeah, she had just downed a water bottle full of alcohol. she was bubbly and smiley up until she was running out of the staff bathroom" Ranboo explains as he takes a right into their neighborhood

"Hayden did something" Tubbo spoke quietly "the hand print wasn't there when she was sitting, her lips also looked swollen" Tubbo started to point out small details they had missed and the puzzle pieces were slowly connecting

"sexual assault" Ranboo whispers dread spread like wildfire across his chest along with anger. Tommys face fell then twisted into a scowl

"that scum bag" he spit as he ran a hand through his hair.

"we need to do something" Tommy quickly said looking between them, ranboos knuckles were white on the steering wheel and Tubbos jaw was slacked

"i'll talk to her" ranboo mumbled as the two boys hesitantly got out of the car, Ranboos drives back to his house going way over the speed limit

Ranboo| ranboosaysstuff

hey guys! no stream tonight some personal stuff has gotten in the way :( stream tomorrow though!!


AYUP sorry boys no stream tonight will probably do one this weekend SO DONT MISS IT


sorry for the last minute cancel!! will stream soon!!

Mandy sat on her windowsill with a cigarette in-between her fingers. as she looks out the open window, her back rests against the side of it and her right leg dangles out the one story house.

Looking into her backyard, the small forest was coated with gold hues as the sunset made its way through the branches and leaves. Her butt firmly planted on a pillow, she quietly lets the tears flow out of her eyes as her hand shakes when she brings the cigarette to her mouth. she takes her phone out and messages bex

bex ;)

how was the little run-in with Hayden ;)

LMAO it was alright ig

just alright??

had better

also the three guys you were friends with ran after you did you see them?

no? haven't spoken to them in years



i know you went over to Tony's house

it's Toby and yeah, i forgot something over there

your dignity?

wtf no


whatever bex i don't have time for this shit

right don't let me, your best friend, get in the way of your life

you're not my best friend. go fuck yourself

sir yes sir

With a choked scoff she turns her phone off and leans her head back on the window sobs spilling out of her mouth. she hears a light knock at her door and quickly sets the burning cigarette on the ash tray leaving it on the windowsill

"hey little man," she chuckles as she opens the door. "What's up?" she smiles down to him

"Boo is here, he wants to talk to you" he looks down at his hands and Mandy's smile fades before she bent down to look at him

"how about you go play with him and i'll be out in a minute" she asks with a smile and the boys eyes light up

"okay!" he runs down the hall and Mandy's eyes watch him run up and hug Ranboos' leg.

looking up she sees him smiling at the younger boy before meeting her gaze and immediately walking over to her

"you can't be here," she snaps, her voice not higher than a whisper

"Madeline!" her mother calls from her room and Mandy pulls him in her room and shuts the door behind her

"yes?" she asks and her mom pokes her head out from her room

Her blonde hair was neatly straightened, her skin was covered in a layer of foundation, her wrinkles seem to be disappearing with every passing second, her bright green eyes covered in dark eyeshadow and mascara. she didn't look a day over 25.

"i'll be out for a couple weeks" she said nonchalantly and Mandy scoffs

"you just got here." she defends and her mom's eyes darken.

"I'm working my ass off to put this roof over your head. be grateful" she snaps and Mandy lowers her head

"yes ma'am" she mumbles walking into her room

"You need to leave," she chuckles bitterly. Ranboo opens his mouth to protest but she quickly shuts him down

"whatever you think you know, you're wrong. stop infiltrating my life. I don't need you- no. I don't want you here." she spits backing him up to the window

"get out" she motions to the window

Ranboo sighs climbing out the one story window, before she closes the window he puts his hand on it

" when you need someone i'll be here. i'm one call away" he says sternly and removes his hand. she quickly slams the window shut and closes the blinds, hitting the ashtray on the way down.

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