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Mandy hesitantly opens the door, her mask was off and so was Ranboos

"holy shit" he breaths pulling the girl into a bone crushing hug

"i have missed you so much, i wanted to do things differently and i'm so sorry i left without saying goodbye that was such a dick move" he rambles and Mandy hugs him tighter

"stop fucking apologizing" she chuckles and moves her head to look at him

she smiles taking in his features, she lightly runs her fingertips along his freckles that littered his cheeks and nose. she snickers and he softly smiles

"you have no idea how tiring it was to avoid you" she rolls her eyes and sighs making Ranboo laugh the sound brought a grin to her face

she wraps her arms around him again, not wanting to get away from the embrace

"how are you gonna tell the others?" he whispers, making goosebumps run down her spine

"i have an idea" she mumbles and hesitantly lets go

"your hair" his voice fades as she runs a couple fingers through it

" i like it, bill picked it out" she smiles and Ranboo nods

"i like it, at least the nickname blondie makes sense" she chuckles and mandy snorts

"don't get used to it, i'm probably going back to black with this style" she walks to her kitchen and makes some tea for the both of them

"you really went full british, all you need is the accent" he chuckles and mandy scoffs

"who said i couldn't have an accent?" she imitates an accent and Ranboo scrunched his nose

"definitely don't do that again" he shakes his hand and mandy rolls her eyes

"my accent is amazing, thank you"

"so what's this plan?" Ranboo asks as Mandy hops on the counter in front of him

Mandy sighs and explains the plan, Ranboo listened along intently taking sips from his mug

"that should work" he purses his lips and nods making mandy grin

"good, i didn't want to do anything flashy because that's just be weird" she cringes and Ranboo laughs

"it's just a mariachi band singing to tommy and tubbo" Ranboo snickers and Mandy laughs

"i like jump out from a cake" she adds on and Ranboo laughs harder

"it's a fucking telegram" ranboo covers his face from laughing and mandy's eyes widen

"watch your mouth young man" she scoffs laughing. she hits his arm lightly and Ranboo scoffs

"never heard a swear word before?" he asks stepping forward to where he was standing in front of her

"do you know who you're talking to?" she points to herself and ranboo shakes his head

"what ever will i do with you blondie?" he sighs and purses his lips

"nothing, you're stuck with me" she wraps her arms around his neck and chuckles

Ranboos phone buzzed and they both jump

Ranboo looks at the message and snorts, he shows it to mandy and she snickers


Ranboo where have you gone?

Loud man
he literally ran out of the apartment

and you didn't think to follow him?

Loud man
i mind my own business, Tubs.

wow. are we really doing this rn?

Loud man
idk. are we?

sorry! i was curious!!

Loud man
speaking of curiosity

i'm right here

Loud man
no like fr where tf are you

a friends house

Loud man
what are you? 12?

ha ha

which friend? most of them
are asleep

an old friend

Loud man
that's not cryptic

you're still in the building.
no one we know lives in this building

Loud man
besides Maggie

Maggie? Magdalene?
you two aren't close?

Loud man
how would you know?
you disappear from the hours 11PM-4AM

they could be besties
and you wouldn't know

why are you keeping tabs on me?
i thought you were minding your business.


Loud man
shut up ranboo
and you've  disappeared for like 7 hours EVERDAY and you blame ME for being curious??

i meet my friends

Loud man
you don't even see us everyday

i'm at the flat rn. so it's not everyday

Loud man
you disappeared at the same time for 12 CONSECUTIVE days.
one day doesn't mean sheit

i didn't come here to get interrogated
i was simply curious where
ranboo had gone.

goodnight everyone

he's mad

Loud man
where are you?

i'll be up in a minute
just give me a second

Loud man

Ranboo looks up from his phone to a worried looking Mandy

"what's wrong with Tubbo?" she asks and mandy purses his lips

"i don't know, he leaves almost everday for hours at a time. he won't tell us what he's doing but it seems that it's helping him" he shrugs and mandy furrows her eyebrows

"helping him with what?" she asks and Ranboo sighs

"that's a conversation for after you've revealed yourself. i'll talk to you tomorrow goodnight" he smiles to her and she smiles back

he kisses her forehead and walks out of the flat, closing the door on his way out.

Mandy smiles to herself at the interaction, she swings her legs as she sits on the counter


big things planned. going to be revealing something on friday. stay tuned ;)

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