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The days with Mandy were limited and Ranboo wanted to make the most of them. right now the 4 amigos were sitting on the couch, Mandy's legs resting on top of Tommy and Tubbos lap and her head was laying on ranboos chest as he played with her hair. They were watching Coraline and Tommy was flinching every five seconds

"you're such a tiddy baby" Mandy rolls her eyes as Tommy flinches again, this time nothing has even happened

"I am not! i'm a big man with many wives" he puffs his chest a proud smile on his lips

"yeah right, name one" she glares at him and he scoffs

"Queen elizabeth"

"I call bullshit"

"you're bullshit"

Mandy sticks her tongue out at him and he laughs, then he gets a text.

"one of your many wives I presume?" Mandy chuckles and Tommy snorts

"oh yeah a hundred percent" he says sarcastically before reading the text,

we're not gonna tell her

cookie bitch

bee boy
yeah why? isn't that yk... kinda shitty?

yes i know but if we tell
her she'll find every
possible way to fly to us
and that's just going
to waste money and time.

like she said it's
better if we move on

bee boy
when did she say that?

wdym? we were literally
all in the room

cookie bitch
she never said
anything about moving on...

you guys know what I mean.

bee boy
Ranboo.... Did you
talk to her...alone? 👀

i'm done with this conversation

rolling his eyes he turns his phone off and wraps an arm around Mandy, she smiles up at him and he gives her a soft smile back

looking at the others, Tommy was stifling a laugh while tubbo had his hand over his mouth, also trying not to laugh.

Ranboo rolls his eyes and watches the movie, soaking in all the moments he can.


a few hours had passed, Mandy was sound asleep on the couch, hushed whispers could be heard from the room next door

"why not tell her? this is stupid" Tommy scoffs crossing his arms over his chest

Ranboo pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs "i've told you 3 times. i'm not repeating myself"

"Well, your answers not good enough" he sassed making Ranboo huff in annoyance

"fine! you tell her then!" he glares at Tommy and Tommy shrinks in his seat.

"no" Tommy grumbles and Ranboo scoffs

"exactly! it's better for her not to know." he says sternly and Tubbo shakes his head

"No, I think we should tell her. we'd be shitty friends if we just left." he shakes his head and Ranboo sighs

"Why do you think we're here tubbo? she was going to do the same thing to us!" he fires back and tubbo runs a hand over his face

"I dunno, but I do think we should tell her." Tubbo looks at the two boys and gets up.

" if you guys don't tell her before we leave. i will" he glares at them before walking out

"well there goes that plan" Ranboo grumbles leaning back in his seat

"Toby's right, you're on your own with this one man" Tommy shakes his head before standing up and following the other boy out.

Mandy wipes the sleep from her eyes as she sits up from the couch, realizing she was alone she furrowed her eyebrows and walks around the house

"Where the fuck did you guys go?" she grumbles walking to the back door

She looks out and sees the three boys on the bench swing, all looking stressed. she opens the back door and walks along the turf

"why do you guys look like that?" she asks making the boys chuckle

"Wow, you're one to come for looks, Miss gothic bimbo" Tommy calls and Mandy flips him off sitting on the end of the swing.

"so what's up with you guys? you've been acting weird since this morning" she asks picking at her nails

the three boys share looks before Tommy speaks up "we'll tell you later, have you transferred schools?" he quickly changes the subject and Mandy nods

"yep all my failing grades have successfully been transferred" she smiles and the boys laugh

"you really aren't failing every subject are you?" Tubbo asks leaning forward

"yep, art included" she nods and the boys grumble

"how can you fail art? it's art" Tommy snorts and Mandy shrugs

"my hidden talent" she sighs putting her hands on the back of her head "quite good at it" she nods proudly and Ranboo rolls his eyes

"don't you want to go to college?" he asks and Mandy nods

"im only fucking with you, i have As in all my classes" she chuckles and they all sigh of relief

"chill out" she chuckles nervously at them but they give her a reassuring smile.

"I want to watch the stars" she blurts and gets up walking over to a patch of grass and lays down.

They all follow hesitantly, Mandy and Tommy being in the middle, Ranboo on the side of Mandy and Tubbo the opposite.

"i'm gonna miss you fuckers" Mandy blurts. she chuckles and covers her face with her hands

"i'm sorry for being such a bitch to you guys, i was such a dick" she shakes her head her eyes not leaving the sky "i love you guys" she smiles sadly as she feels a hand take hers

looking over at tommy he smiles sadly but his eyes never leave the sky, mandy could see his eyes gloss "we love you too" he whispers she laughs sadly and looks back up to the sky

"god i've made tommy go all soft" she chuckles making the other laugh

"oh fuck off man" he grumbles scooting away from her, playfully glaring on the way 

she turns her head to Ranboo who was softly smiling looking up to the stars

"hey fucker" she nudges him and he snorts

"wow you really know how to be romantic" he scoffs rolling his eyes smiling to her

"it's one of my many fortes" she chuckles sticking out her tongue

Ranboo sighs and shakes his head " what will i do with you blondie"

"nothing, you're stuck with me" she chuckles and ranboo feels his heart pain in sadness

without saying anything, he moves his arm around her shoulders and pulls her closer kissing her forehead

the group of four laugh and joke about the shape of the stars, pushing all their worries to the back of their mind

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