Chapter 10 - The Demon Blade

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Tigress Pov:

I waited behind out of sight from the guards while Shadow talked to them. I couldn't make out what they were saying to each other, but then the shadow yelled.

"I have a sister!?"

He had once told me that he was a single child, this shocked me. I came out of hiding, and walked to the shadow's side. "Hey, who are you!" one of the guards demanded, the male one.

"I'm with shadow," I blatantly said.

"Well, that doesn't answer Pingguo's question." the other guard scolded, a female one.

"Hey, guys, calm down, this is Tigress, she and I are working together on something."

The two guards looked at eachother, then the male, Pingguo, shrugged.

"Now, can you take me to see my sister?"

"Oh, right!" Pingguo jumped. "Xia, you stay here and keep watch, ill take them to Lady Mai."

'Xia' huffed, probably nt wanting to stay and miss all of the action. Shadow and i followed the male guard, I eventually whispered to him.

"Are they on Loki's side?" i asked

"No actually. They managed to fight him off, and keep the village."

"And your sister? I thought your mom died."

"Well, yes, she did. My dad survived the attack, and remarried. So, technically, she's my half sister."

I nodded, understanding.

We stopped at the foot of a large house, made out of bamboo and wood. "Well, this is it."

"Did my dad remodel? It looks different." shadow questioned.

"Well, he didn't remodel, he rebuilt. After Jun managed to fight off Loki, he set fire to your old house. Only the safe room survived. Your dad built this new one on the foundations of the old one. This one actually has a main entrance hall and a throne at the end."

"I guess after the attack he meant business. Did he consider himself a lord, instead of a chief?"

"Yes. I guess the way to cope with your mom's death, he started conquering other villages. Because of that, he started calling himself 'Lord'. The land he owned now stretches from leopard village to the Xanggi river."

"Huh, well, let's go see my sister!" He giggled like a child on halloween. I had never seen him so happy. I guess the thought of living family members brought a smile to his face, knowing that he wasn't the only one.

We climbed the steps, the royal guards who stood guard at the entrance pushed the doors open when we got to the top. As we walked through the doors, I swore I heard one of them whisper to themselves, "Is that Shadow?

I looked through the doorway, into the large hall. At the end of the hall there was a throne, and on that throne sat a small leopard. The leopard looked only 13 years old, she had grey fur with sports of dark yellow speckled across her body. She wore an elegant robe, topped with a bejeweled silver crown. "Your Ladyship, Shadow, your older, and presumed dead, brother is alive, and has returned." Pingguo announced our presence, and bowed low to Mai.

She looked up at us, her eyes locking on Shadow. "Really?!" she screeched in excitement and ran to Shadow. She embraced him in a tight hug. She released him and looked at one of my guards. "Please tell Sasha to clear my schedule, and that I am booked the rest of the day." the soldier bowed and walked out of the room.

"I have the rest of the day to get to know you! Let's go for a walk. Pingguo, thank you for bringing them here, please return to the side gate." he bowed and exited. "Uh, Shadow, who is the tiger?" she looked skeptically at me.

"Oh, this is Tigress, my friend. She and I are on a mission."

"Nice to meet you!" she shook my hand. "Now, let's go on a walk!" she walked to the main doors, her guards opening it, and walked out. We followed close behind. "So, Shadow, what have you been up to for the last twenty years?"

"Running from Loki."

"Ugh, that darn lion. He's been conquering a lot of villages rather lately, raiding them and taking all of the valuables. Can't seem to give up. If he ever comes across our village, he will be dead by the next morning." she sighed, knowing that he would be here soon, now that Shadow was here. "Do you still have the Demon Crystal?"

"Yes, but not on me at the moment. We are looking for a sword, known as the 'Demon Blade'. Have you heard of it?"

"Heard of it? I was the one who re-discovered it. It's in the basement safe room." 

I saw his eyes darken. I put my hand on his shoulder to confort him.

“Can you take us there, we really need it.” I pleaded. 

“Of course! Let's go there right now-” she was cut off by a loud scream. I whipped my head around to see the course of it. A female Leopard with light yellow fur was running in our direction. I got out of the way, thinking that she was going to run into me. 

The female smashed into Shadow, knocking him to the ground. “Oof,” he groaned.

“Shadow!! It’s really you!” the female proclaimed excitedly. 

“Yes, it's me, and you are…?” He couldn't remember her name. 

“Silly, of course you know me!”

“Wait, Lin? Is it you? You’ve grown so much!” He hugged her, with a joyful expression on his face. My heart tightend. Was this feeling jealousy?

The two got to their feet. As we continued to the saferoom, they chatted to each other, about how they had been and what happened after Shadow left. We entered Shadow’s house and walked down a flight of stairs, eventually coming to a door. Shadow fell silent. I grasped his hand and squeezed. He blushed, making me smile. 

Mai unlocked the door and pushed it open. Inside there were two pedestals, one empty, where the Demon Crystal must have gone. The other one had a very detailed and intricate silver blade, it looked very dull, and almost unusable. Just what shifu had said. When the gem would be placed in the center, the blade would glow a deep purple color, and look as though it had flames coming off of it. 

We stepped in the room. I let go of Shadow's hand and walked to the blade and grabbed it’s hilt. Grabbed the scabbard that laid on the floor next to the pedestal and attached it to my belt. I slid the sword in, when I heard Shadow inhale sharply. I met his eyes, and saw what he was looking at. A faint, but distinct red stain was visible on the floorboards. 

I doubt that stain was pomegranate juice. 

I looked up again to see Lin rubbing circles on his back. Ugh, I hated that leopard. 

“Let’s go.” i said.

“Good idea.” Mai agreed with me. We were back in the daylight. “Shadow and tigress can stay in the guest rooms tonight,  Tigress, can I speak with you?” I nodded and walked to her.

“What is it Lady Mai?” I asked.

“Oh, just call me Mai.” she chuckled. “Well, What i actually wanted to talk about was you and Shadow. I can tell you like him, by the way you look at Lin jealousy when she comforts him, and by the way you grabbed his hand on the way into the safe room. I think he likes you back, you should shoot your shot now.”

“Uh, thanks…”

“Sorry to make you uncomfortable, but I can tell when two people like each other, me being 13 and everything.”

I sighed. “Shadow, can I see you?” Mai called, and he trotted over. 

“Yah, what?” he asked, intrigued what she had to say. 

“Are you going to take over the land? Like, you be ‘Lord Shadow’?”

“Um, I haven't really thought about that. I would like to stay in Peace Valley and join the Furious Five. I think you are an amazing leader.”

“Ok, that’s fine with me, but I will make sure everyone calls you ‘Lord Shadow’.” she winked. “Well, It's getting late, Goodnight you two.”


(1,375 words)

The Shadow Warrior (Tigress x OC) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now