Chapter 15 - Dungeon

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Shadow Pov:

We ran endlessly, only stopping to rest, and have a quick snack. After two days of running, we finally made it to the outskirts of the palace village.

I looked up, the sky was a very deep purple, a terrifying color. Tigress noticed too, she shivered.

We snuck though the town, seeing coyotes every once and a while. We finally made it to the most, when I looked at the palace.

There were multiple deep gashes on the outer walls. Probably Loki trying out his new weapon.

All of a sudden, and black and purple wave burst though the walls, shaking the ground. Loki was using his sword.

"In the moat, now!" I hurried Tigress into the water.

It is a well know fact that cats hate water, and they do.

Tigress and I had to hype ourselves up dive in the water. Eventually, I got tired of waiting, so I inhaled and held by breath, and jumped in.

I opened my eyes underwater, and saw something splash above me, Tigress. She opened her eyes too, and our eyes met.

I broke connection and looked around. There was a pipe under the water, so I swam too it, Tigress following me.

I entered the pipe. It was pitch black, I hoped there was an exit. I evenrually saw a ray of light at the end of the tunnel, so I swam faster too it.

At the worst time for bad things to happen, my bag got stuck.

I yanked it, but it wouldn't budge. I tried several more times. Nothing. My air was running out, and so was tigress's. I tried pushing and pulling, but it still wouldn't budge.

Then, I had a plan. I wound up, and karate chopped it. I hoped there was nothing valuable in it.

I emmerged through the end of the tunnel, and swam up. My head broke the water, and I gasped. I swam toward the neared shore, and flopped myself onto it.

I saw Tigress beak the surface, and swim over to me. She jumped up on the bank and collapsed next to me.

I caught my breath, and regained enough strength to sit up and look around.

There were dark murky, mold covered walls, and little to no sunlight. I realized where we were.

We were in the dock entrance to the dungeon. I looked to the left and saw a large opening, probably where the boats would come though to unload prisoners.

"Tigress, we're in the dongeon." I told her, with a worried expression on my face.

"Why do you make it sound so bad?"

"Because, the dungeon is supposed to keep people in. We might be stuck here."

"Oh. What should we-" she was cut off by the sound of footsteps coming from the left of us. I saw the bobbing light of a lantern reflecting off the walls.

We got up and ran to find cover. Tigress found a open cell, and dove Into it. I followed her.

"Get in the corner, I'll cover you. My fur will blend in, yours will stick out." She curled into a ball in one of the corners. I spread my arms out and laied on top of her, so no one could see her orange fur.

The guards walked by, two coyotes. It seems as though Loki got rid of all of the guards and replaced them with his coyote goons.

I held my breath as they walked by my cell, hoping they wouldn't see us. As if the gods didn't want my wish to come true, one of the coyote guards stopped by the cell we were hiding in.

The Shadow Warrior (Tigress x OC) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now