Chapter 14 - The Seven Legacies

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Short Chapter!


Tigress Pov:

Shadow's uncle trained us for a total of 14 days, all under the purple sky. And noon on the tenth day, Loki ordered a search of the town.

Shadow and I couldn't train the rest of the day because we were hiding in the basement, hiding from the searchers.

In the afternoon of the 14th day, shadow and I had a meeting with Nightider.

"We plan to leave tomorrow before light." I told him. We were sitting his dinning table, both sets of eyes on me.

"That sounds like a good plan. Need a map of the palace?"

"Wait, you have one?" shadow and I looked at him quizically.

"Well duh." He answered like it was obvious. "I was one of the seven legacies."

"Ohhh. Yah, right. Makes sense." I nodded.

"Well, I'll pack your bags, you two do whatever. Maybe stay inside, I think there is another, probably smaller, search today."

He left, and Shadow and I went to the spare bedroom to continue our 'War' card game that had spanned the last few days.

We sat at opposite ends of the card table an took our decks.

"I've got three of the aces, so you better watch out!" I mocked him.

"I donno, I smell a comeback!" We played for roughly and hour, before Shadow decided to go our to get fresh air. I decided to join him.

We walked out of the house, staying close to the house's shadows. Once I snuck around a corner, I saw Nightrider.

He was hunched over by a tree, crying. I looked over at Shadow, he shrugged.

We made our way over to Nightider. "You ok?" I rubbed his back. Then I noticed.

There was a small gravestone, that belonged to a 'Mingyun'. Shadow noticed too.

"Who is Mingyun?" shadow asked.

His uncle sniffled and looked at us, with tears in his eyes. "My wife." Oh, poor Nightider.

"Could you tell us about her?" I quietly asked.

"To know about her, you must know about the seven legacies." He delve into his backstory.

"Once, nearly thirty years ago, seven of the best kung fu warriors were called to the Emporer's palace. We were called to be the seven legacies. We consisted of a peacock, rhino, ox, crocodile, lion, lynx, and me, a leopard.

The Lynx, was named Mingyun. If you believe in love at first sight, that was what happened to us. We got married before the group soon split up." Nightrider explained.

"Split up? What happened?" Shadow urged him to continue.

"Well, and you guessed, there were two bad apples in our group. The lion, and the peacock."

My eyes widened in realization. "Loki and Shen!"

"Yes, Loki and Shen. It's sad that they rebelled, they were such good kung fu warriors. Well, the story of how we split us is simple. It really started with me and Mingyun's marriage. After that, Loki became angry. Apparently he had a crush on her. Shen sensed this tension, and teamed up with him. He though if he teamed up with Loki, together they could take on Gongman City.

Well, long story short, they came after us in the night. They assassinated my wife, and tried to kill me too, but I fought them off." Nightider sighed, I continued to rub circles on his back.

"After that, I left the Seven Legacies group, never wanting to go back. Too many memories. Loki and Shen left, planning to capture Gongman City. This left master Rhino, Ox, and Crock left in the group.

Years later, after Rhino took control of the Gongman, Shen became angry, and with our Loki, he assasinated Rhino. Eventually, Po killed Shen, and now present day."

"Wow. I'm so sorry." Shadow conforted him. Off  in the distance, we heard yelling.

"The second search! Quick, get the bags on the dinning table, and go! Kill Loki for me!"

We ran into the house and grabbed the bags. I took the map out of mine. We went to the edge of a field. 

"North." I pointed to the left of us.

Shadow smiled. "Let's go kill a lion."


The plot thickens!

(694 words)

The Shadow Warrior (Tigress x OC) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now