Chapter 11 - Date

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Beware! The Romance! I finally have them kiss! (Sorry bout the spoiler)

I needed a way to get romance ball rolling, so here it is!


Shadow Pov:

Tigress and I stayed at the village for three days. We planned on only staying for five, so that meant I had two days to act.

I had to ask Tigress on a date.

I paced back and forth in my room. Where should I take her? There's a nice noodle/dumpling shop in the village, maybe there?

I could take here to the mountain cherry blossom tree. That was my 'secret spot' I went when things got to stressful.

That was a good plan. Noodles and stargazing under a cherry blossom tree.

I liked her a lot, and hoped she felt the same. I doubted it though. her being a famous kun fu master, and I, being a poor man running for his life.

I decided to practice my line.

"Uh, Tigress, would you like to go on a date?"

No, that wouldn't work.

"Tigress, want to hang out sometime?"

No, that wouldn't work either.


The door freaked open. "Yes?" Tigress popped her head in.

"Yahh!" I jumped and tripped over my bed.

"Are you ok? I scared you!"

I looked up. I grabbed her outstretched hand, and pulled myself up.

"Why were you saying my name?"

A bead of sweat dripped down my face, I avoided eye contact. "Uh, nothing."

"Looks like a whole lot of nothing." she said sarcastically. "Anyway, Mai wanted to see us." She walked back out the door.

I stood in silece in my room for a minute, then walked to the throne room.

"Hey Shadow!" my you her sister greeted me. "Follow me!" I followed Mai, Tigress on my tail. We walked into a large circular room with a table map in the middle.

I walked to the table map and inspected it. It was a 3-D map that showed villages, lakes, and the elevation of the mountain.

"Cool map? I know. Dad had it handmade by the finest widdler in all of China." Mai walked to my side. "I've marked all of the villages, that I know, that have been overrun by Loki."

There were red dots on all of the villages that had been taken over, and were in command of Loki.

"That's quite a lot." Tigress looked at the various dots. There had to be at least twenty.

I was enraged. "I can't wait to kill Loki. He needs to be killed, and I aim to be the one to finish him off."

"Yes. I have various spies that are in his army. They have reported to me that they are moving north." She pinched a small white wooden figure, that had been carved in the shape of a lion, and moved it to one of the northern villages.

One labled 'Nothshore.'

We talked a while about the movements of Loki, eventually finishing up and leaving the room. It was almost dinnertime.

I walked to Tigress, who stopped and smelled the flowers.

"Hey, Tigress," I rubbed the back of my neck. "Um, I know we haven't know each other for a while, uh, and I was wondering, if, uh, if you wanted to go out with me sometime."

The Shadow Warrior (Tigress x OC) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now