Chapter 12 - The last hope is lost

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Tigress Pov:

"How could this happen? Loki was supposed to be going north, not east!"

Shadow and I ran to the edge of the woods. We came a cliff and jumped off. We both landed solidly on the ground one hundred feet below, thanks to our kung fu.

We were headed towards peace valley. We had no time to take the boat, we had to run. It was the fastest way there.

It was pich black when we left leopard village with all of our belongings, now it was daybreak.

We arrived at the edge of peace valley. We were standing opposite the jade palace, which seemed, for the most part, intact. I leapt off the side of the hill, and practically glided down the mountain. Shadow did the same. As we got closer to the village, I saw something devastating.

Plumes of smoke were coming off of various houses. Shadow and I ran though the village, jumping over rubble and overturned sale carts. At one point I saw a glimpse of a Fox's tail.

Those prisoners must have escaped in the chaos. 

I ran up the jade palace stairs and arrived at the gates. They had been blown open. Inside were the two limp bodies of Viper and Monkey. One of the foxes was leaned over monkey.

I ran up to them. "What happend!?" I yelled at the fox. She looked up at me.

"Loki." she whispered.

"The Demon Chrystal! Where is it?" I saw monkey's chest rise.

"He took it." he said as he exhaled.

I was about to yell, when the fox shushed me. "He's still in the village. If you have the blade, run!"

Shadow and I stood up. "Thank you Silver. Please take care of them." I guess the foxes weren't escaping, they were helping.

We turned and ran, out of the palace and into the woods. As we neared a cliffside, something hid my ankle from behind. I collapsed. Shadow saw me fall, and turned back to help me.

"Ha! That was a no-scope." A wiry looking Coyote emerged from the thick darkness. "Boss, I found them!" I heard stomping from the woods.

"Shadow, go, take the sword. Run!"

"No, I can't leave-"

"Go! I'll be fine!" He turned, but before he left, gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm not leaving, but I'll stay close." He ran in the opposite direction of the stomping.

"Hey!" The coyote chased after him. I was alone in the woods, but nothing to keep me company except what was stomping my way.

Soon, I saw a figure emrge from the woods. Long, white and silver hair, green eyes, and a menacing smile.

"Hahh," he sighed. "Looks like shadow got away, but at least I have you, Tigress. Tell me little one, did you sacrifice your life to save the sword and your little boyfriend? We, too bad, looks like he might just be single after I kill you off."

How did he know?

He took out a small stone from his poket. It glowed purple, the Demon Chrystal. He held it above his head. "Prepare to die." the chrystal glowed brighter, and a beam of light shot at me.

Just before the ray hit me, shadow jumped in from of me. The beam hit both of is. He was too late.

The light hit me square in the chest. It felt like the very cells in my body were being ripped apart. I squinted my eyes shut.

All of a suddon, the pain stopped. I opened my eyes, expecting to see a light at the end of the tunnel, but, that's not what I saw.

I was laying on the grass, on the outskirts of a small village. I looked at my side, shadow was laying next to me. I jumped up and shook him awake. He sat up and looked around, his eyes widening.

"He teleported us!" shadow jumped up. "Ugh, my parents said the gem could harness great power, but we had no way to harness it. Loki figured it out before us!" he put his hands over his face. "Now we'll never win."

"Hey," I rubbed circles on his back. "At least we still have the sword." His eyes went even wider. He reached for his back, and grabbed for the sword. It wasn't there.

"No! Now he has the sword!" Shadow flopped on the ground. "Let me die." he mumbled silent sobs.


We were going to lose.

That sword was our last hope.

"Hey, let's go to the village, maybe something there can help us."

We silently walked to the village. It was mostly a merchant village, with shops everywhere you look. It was bustling with people, so nobody took a second glance at a black leopard and a tiger.

We went to the nearest inn and decided to rent a room.

I walked to the nearest desk while shadow flopped on one of the couches in the foyer.

"I'd like a room with two beds please."

The man behind the desk, a gazelle, looked at his records. He pulled out a key and handed it to me.

"My I have the names for the room?"

"Tigress Mulaohu and Shadow Huanghun." For some reason, one of the people sitting in the char perked up. I hoped he wasn't a spy for Loki.

"Room 203. No cost, Sunday nights are free. Enjoy your stay." he said, very unenthusiastically.

I took the key and tapped shadow on the shoulder. "Come on, you can mope in the room, let's go." Shadow stood up, but before we could go, the man, who perked up at our names, walked over to us.

He was a black leopard, just like Shadow. "Excuse me, but did you say, Shadow Huanghun?"

"Um," I was at lost for words. What if he was a spy? "Yyyeessss." I said slowly.

"Really!?" His face was delighted. "I thought you were dead!"


"Not time to talk now, Come with me." He grabbed me and Shadow's wrist,  and dragged us out of the inn. He took us to a small house, near the edge of the village.

He opened the door and plopped us down at a table, shadow now fully aware of his surroundings. The mysterious leopard sat at the other end of the table.

"Now, I want to know, how are you alive, Shadow?"


Sorry this took so long, Just a filler chapter.

(1,075 words)

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