Chapter 18 - Final Battle Pt. 2 - Open Your Eyes

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Shadow Pov:

I woke up to the sound of a scream. My whole body hurt as I sat up to look around. I rubbed my eyes and opened them, to see Loki standing over Tigress. He had wings made of fire, purple fur, black armour, and the Demon Chrystal stuck to his forehead.

Loki saw that my eyes were open and chuckled. "It looks like your lady friend is not going to make it." Tigress? I jumped to my feet. I had taken a step forward when I tipped.

My body ached, I wanted to throw up. Nausea overtook my body and I fell to the ground on my hands and knees. I looked at my stomach, a scar, that had never been there before, had appeared. I placed my hand on my stomach.

"Little leopard, do you feel sick?" Loki taunted, but I ignored him. I pushed down on the scar and yelped. On the surface of my skin, it looked like the wound had healed, but on the inside, it was not fully better. I connected the pieces.

Tigress must have tried to use her chi on me, to try and heal me, but she must have been interrupted by loki.

"What did you do to her?!" I screamed, still on my hands and knees.

"Come take a look." His voice echoed, like it was coming from all around me. I crawled forward, and looked at Tigress. Loki looked at me maliciously, fire coming from his eyes.

Tigress laid in a pool of blood, her eyes squinted shut and her breathing almost unnoticeable. She was dying. The strange thing was, her arm was covered in purple and black goop. "What did you do?" I whispered, almost silently. Loki chuckled. I was enraged, why did he hurt someone who was innocent?

I held my hands together, and they started glowing. I held them out to Tigress. "NO!" Loki screamed, smacking me with the force of a rhino. I was smacked so hard into a tree, I'm surprised that there wasn't a Shadow shaped indent. I laid on the ground in immense pain. I opened my eyes to see Loki spread his wings and take off into the sky.

Seconds later, he landed with a thud right in front of my face. He leaned down and looked me in the eyes. "I don't want to kill you, I just want to stall you while your girlfriend dies." He snarled, his fire wings blazing. He grabbed me by the scruff, his touch burning my skin. I tried to fight him, but I couldn't resist his strong grasp.

He threw me like a ragdoll to the far end of the clearing, this time instead of hitting a tree, I landed on the clearing ground. I bounced a few times before coming to a stop. My whole body screamed in pain, I could barely open my eyes. My vision blurred, and I passed out.

"Shadow, try to calm down."

I was in the middle of my house's living room, a collapsed brick-toy house at my feet.

"Shadow, you can just rebuild it, you know." My father squatted down and looked me in the eyes, trying to calm me down. But I wasn't having it.

"No! I can't be rebuilt, it was perfect." I yelled, kicking the remains.

"Shadow, If you calm down, I can teach you how to tap into the powers of the universe." Now this caught my attention. I immediately sat down criss-cross-applesauce in front of my father.

"So that calms you down?" he laughed, a calm laugh and looked at me with twinkling eyes. "Let me tell you all about it before we begin."

"Awwww, dad, can't we just skip to the part where I learn how to do it?" I complained, I wanted to know how to have cool powers, not where they came from.

"Patience Shadow, you must learn where it comes from before you learn how to do it. This knowledge will make you stronger."

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, but in truth, I kinda wanted to know where the powers came from.

"Long before kungfu, there were some leopards that wanted to know the truth of the universe. They consulted many people who claimed to know, but none sought them peace in knowing. They searched far and wide, before stumbling into a small shack at the edge of the ocean.

Inside lived a dragon, one of the last of its kind. The leopards asked the dragon the same question they asked many people. 'What is the truth of the universe?' The dragon knew the answer. He told them, but it was too complex for the leopards to understand. Instead, he showed them. He taught them the ways of the universe, and how to harness its power. The power of the universe is much stronger than chi, and only leopards can do it."

"Whoah, that's so cool, teach me!" I was jumping up and down, my tail wagging like a dog's.

"Sorry Shadow, but I don't know." he said solemnly.

"But you said you did!" I protested, all excitement draining out of me.

"Leopards have long forgotten how to control the universe." he said quietly, and walked away.

I drifted back to consciousness from my flashback.

No one alive today knows how to harness the power of the universe. Just then, I felt something surge through my veins, like some sort of power. Maybe the universe was gifting me some short-term strength. My eyes flew open, and I saw Loki running at me. I had only been out for a few seconds.

I surged to my feet and jumped at Loki. He seemed very unprepared for this, as he was unguarded. I punched him square in the nose, sending him flying back. He landed on the ground, but soon was on his feet again.

"Where is this power coming from?" He looked wide eyed at me.

"The Universe." I answered simply, but smugly. I let the power overtake me, black smoke pouring from my eyes and mouth. The smoke created a thick cloud around me, forming a dragon. (Kinda like Po from Kungfu panda three in the final battle, except the dragon is black)

Loki stumbled back when he saw the form the smoke had taken, but soon regained his composure. I controlled the smoke dragon from the inside, taking a step forward. Loki charged at me, and I did the same. We clashed, him trying to hit me with a beam of energy from the stone set in his skull, me trying to breath fire at him.

I devised a plan. I needed to get the stone out of his skull and separate him from his power source. I scratched at his metal armor when I felt a shift in the universe.

Tigress's soul was leaving her, a last breath escaped her lungs.

I couldn't save her, the only thing that could was the Demon Crystal. "NO!" I cried, I leapt at Loki a final time. I used the dragon's form and collapsed it into a ball, so I was exposed. I grabbed onto Loki's forehead, and onto the stone. He tried to wille out of my grasp, but I was too powerful.

All at once, the universe magic was suked into the stone, and it popped out of his skull. Loki started glowing, cracks appeared on his skin as light beams seeped out of him. He spread his wings in agony and cried out. "YOU NIECE OF NIGHTRIDER!!" His body exploded, leaving shimmering lights fluttering around, and the Demon Blade sitting where he stood.

With the stone in my hand, I ran to Tigress's body. I held out the stone and put all of my energy into it. It blasted a beam of energy at her. Nothing happened. The stone fell out of my hand and I collapsed on the ground, out of breath.

I let out a silent sob, I was in immense pain as the short-term universe power left me.

Tigress was dead.

All of a sudden, Tigress let out a gasp as air seeped into her lungs. She sat up, and saw me laying beside her. "What happened?" She looked down at me worried as I smiled and passed out for the third time that day.


Two chapters left in the book!

(1,400 words)

The Shadow Warrior (Tigress x OC) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now