ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔈𝔩𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫

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Image of the new character is at the bottom of the chapter.

𝕶𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖆'𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖛

      As I walk through the hallways of the large castle, I see multiple students entering a room with a set of tall double doors. My curiosity piques and I follow the students into the room. Upon stepping inside of it, my eyes widen and my mouth parts slightly

      The room is three stories tall with bookshelves lining the walls from floor to ceiling. Everything from children's stories to history to erotica sits on the oak bookshelves with large signs what is where. Long oak tables with chairs take up space in the middle of the library, running all the way from the front of the library to the back. Multiple students sit at the tables, whispering amongst themselves, studying, and reading books.

      In the very back of the library, which is at least a hundred feet away from me, multiple couches, chairs, tables, and recliners rest on the dark wooden floor.

      I'm supposed to meet Rhysand in the great hall, but I suppose I can keep him waiting for a few minutes to check out some books. While I was in Kholmance, I spent my spare time reading stolen books from the library. I developed a passion for reading as well as writing. Although, I never actually got the chance to write anything because of my lack of resources and privacy. That has changed...

      I go to touch one of the books on one of the shelves but recoil, remembering what happened when I was caught in the library of Kholmance. I have to mentally remind myself that I am no longer in that prison. That I am no longer prey to the monsters that roam inside of the thick walls of that hell. That I'm free.

      Swallowing, I turn around and look around the large library for someone who may work here. When I see an older woman behind a wooden desk, I turn my attention to her, and walk over to the large, wooden desk the old lady stands behind. The woman with graying hair and slightly wrinkled skin beams when she sees me, clasping her hands together. "What can I help you with, honey?" Her British accent is thick, and her tone is polite. Happy even.

      "I was wondering if I could check out a few books. I don't know how many I can check out or what I have to do to check them out," I tell her, and she smiles. "What's your name, dear?"

      "Kritana," I answer. "Last name?" she asks, and I swallow. "I don't tell my last name. I'm sure Dumbledore can account for me and assure you that I won't steal any books," I tell her. She tilts her head, her eyebrows furrowing slightly, but she gives me a soft smile. "You can read as many books as you choose in the library, but you can't take any of them out of the library without checking them out. You can check out a max of ten books at a time and there is a three-week limit on each book. Late return on the books will result in a loss of house points."

      I nod my head. "Are there any books off-limits?" I ask. She nods and points her finger to the back of the room. "The restricted section is off-limits to all students unless given explicit permission by the headmaster."

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