ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

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The Russian currency "Rubles" will be mentioned in this chapter

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The Russian currency "Rubles" will be mentioned in this chapter.

New characters are shown at the end of the chapter.

𝕶𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖆'𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖛

      "Happy Halloween!" a voice yells, causing me to jolt awake. I groan and pull the covers back over myself. "Go away," I grumble into my pillow. Rhysand pulls the covers off of me, throwing them across the room. "We have to go shopping." He roughly grabs my arm and pulls me out of the bed. I slam into his chest with a groan. "Damn it, Rhysand."

      "They are letting the students of the school out to a place called Hogsmeade. There are a bunch of shops and stuff there, and I heard through the grapevine that there is a party in the Ravenclaw common room. We have to go," Rhysand smiles, encircling his arm around my waist. I tilt my head in concern. Concern that going to this party won't be a good idea. I pull free from his grip and walk over to the bed, taking a seat on the edge. "Rhysand, is this Hogsmeade place—"

      "It is warded, yes. I already made sure," he answers before I can even finish my question. Rhysand notices my concern about going to a party, so he kneels in front of me, taking my hands in his. "We have never been to a party, Kritana. And it's a Halloween party. We have to go. If you don't like it, we can leave. Just stay an hour. Please?" I look down at him, wanting to say no, but I know he will be disappointed if I do. He won't show it, but I'll see it in his eyes.

      "Fine, but I am not dressing up like an idiot for this party."

      He smiles brightly. "You have to dress up, but you can choose what to dress up as. Get dressed! We have to go."

      He gets up and heads to the bathroom, starting a bath. I roll my eyes before getting up from the bed and heading over to my dresser, grabbing some clothes to put on.

      Although Rhysand can be annoying at times, his happiness is refreshing. He went through many of the things I went through in that damn school, but light remains in his eyes. He didn't allow what he went through to turn him into something he isn't. Someone like me.

      He reminds me of the stars in a way. The light to my darkness. He is only a friend, but he is a friend that I want to keep with me. A friend that I pray I never lose.

      I put on a pair of black pants that rise to my waist and are loose-fitting below my knees, and a long-sleeved black shirt. I throw on a pair of winter boots and a black cloak before putting my hair up in a ponytail.

      It may not be Russia, but it is still cold here.

      I wait until Rhysand is out of the shower before going into the bathroom to brush my teeth while he dresses outside the door. Before I even get my toothpaste onto my toothbrush, he is pounding on the door. "Hurry up!"

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