ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶

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𝔗𝔬𝔪'𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔳

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𝔗𝔬𝔪'𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔳

      "There's a heartbeat."     

      I walk over to her and shove his hand away before pressing my index and middle finger against her pale neck to check for myself if what he speaks is the truth. I feel a tiny flutter below the flesh of her neck, and I sigh with relief.

      "Tell Druella to keep blood replenishing potions and all other healing potions stocked somewhere in her room," I order. This cannot happen again. Next time, I may not have time to go to Slughorn's classroom and steal what I need.

      Malfoy's eyes narrow, but the look I give him sends him scurrying out of the dorm.

      Although I wonder why I feel such relief from her not being dead, I shake the thought off and head for my dresser. I pull out a spare shirt and walk back over to Kritana. I cast a cleansing charm on her, not wanting her to bloody one of the few shirts I have, and carefully cast a spell to clothe her upper half with the shirt. If she were to wake up in a bed that isn't hers, half-naked, her thoughts would go somewhere they shouldn't go.

      I cast a spell to clean the sheets and duvet below her before levitating her body above the bed a few inches. I move the covers with my hands before gently setting her back into the bed, covering her body with the silk sheet and duvet.

      I take one last look at her to confirm that she is still alive before making my way out of Malfoy's dorm. I close the door behind me and lock it with a spell so that nobody other than me can enter the room. I still don't know what happened to her and how she got hurt. Until I do, I will not allow anyone near her, including her idiotic friend.

      I make my way down the stone steps and into the common room where Kier, Avery, and Rosier sit on the leather couches. Rosier drinks with Kier while Avery reads a book, his leg shaking with anxiety. All of their eyes go to me the moment they sense my presence. I see Rosier swallow. "Is she alive?" he asks. I give him a curt nod, and he sighs with relief. I nearly laugh at that. She thinks he is a snake, yet he cares about her wellbeing. It's quite ironic.

      "What happened to her?" Kier asks. My eyes narrow. "I don't know. She forgot to mention it when she was dying. I'll let her know you asked if she wakes up," I scoff. Rosier's head lifts, and his eyes narrow, but he doesn't say anything. It is only then that I realize that I just used sarcasm with them. I scoff at myself at the realization.

      "Can I see her?" Kier asks.


      My response leaves no room for argument, and Kier is smart enough not to test me right now. Or at all for that matter.

      "What do we tell her friend? He attaches himself to her like a leech," a male voice says from behind me. Turning my head, I see Malfoy coming down the stairs. "We say nothing. Just let him run around with his tail between his legs for a while. Kritana will tell him if she wakes up," I answer.

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