ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶-𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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𝔎𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔞'𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔳

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𝔎𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔞'𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔳

I have been avoiding Tom and his groupies for two weeks. Rhysand still talks to Rosier despite my telling him he shouldn't. I, on the other hand, avoid them at all costs. Ever since we got back to Hogwarts, I have been bombarded with questions from Tom Riddle about the Kulma and the blood magic I used to banish it back to the fifth ring of hell. I cannot answer any of his questions without giving something away.

What was that? A demon that nobody knows about except for residents of Kholmance, which Tom cannot know exists.

Where does it come from? Nowhere important. Just hell. Literally.

How did you banish it? Blood magic, sacrificial magic, and rune magic.

How do you know blood magic, sacrificial magic, and rune magic? My school who worships the dark arts taught it to me while fattening me up for sacrifice.

What else do you know? Oh, nothing much. Just every type of magic that will scar my fucking soul beyond repair.

I know I will have to speak to them eventually, but I will avoid it for as long as I can. Rosier is a back-stabbing snake, and I have no interest in speaking to him. Kier probably back-stabbed Rhysand and I too so I have no interest in speaking with him. And Tom—oh don't even get me started on that little viper.

"Kritana," a dark voice calls. I clench my quill in my hand so hard my knuckles turn white. Speak of the snake. "What can I do for you on this fine day?" I ask, not looking up from my potions essay. "The pages you wanted translated are done," he answers, and my head lifts. I look at him, waiting for him to hand them over, but he doesn't. He just stares down at me. "Give them," I order.

"Not until you help me with something."

I laugh at his attempt at deal-making. "You went behind my back, Tom." I stand up from my seat on the leather couch and take a step forward. "You betrayed me. You couldn't leave well enough alone and decided to slither around like the little snake you are." I take another step closer, my body now only an inch away from his. "You lost your chance to make deals when you pulled that little stunt."

I can see his jaw flex, and that sight makes me smirk slightly. "Then you don't get the pages," he tells me. I shrug, scoffing. "Fine. I don't care. If I wanted those pages so badly, I would have made you translate them first." It's a lie, but a very believable one.

I take a seat back on the leather couch and continue my potions essay. He doesn't move or even blink. He just stands there, watching me. We stay like this for nearly a half-hour before I huff, throwing my quill down onto the table in front of me. "Why do you keep staring at me? It's weird. Like really weird."

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