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Raindrops pounding on the roof as lightning occasionally flash by and thunder follows soon after. With a sad song playing from a phone connected with an earphone while staring outside a window or just closing you eyes focusing on the music.

And everything else goes blurry and muffled as you drift into your thoughts in which once awoken from will be soon forgotten after.

But the short moment of calmness and peace is what makes it addicting and then soon it will become a habit one would do whenever there is rain, time and moment perfectly in sync. Random thoughts or flashing memories of the past.

Reminiscing in them, drowning in it purely with your will accompanied by a favorite song and the knocking of raindrops.

Rain, time, music, memories and thoughts.

These create a rift in reality where one can let go of anything while dwelling in another. A special sense of peace and equilibrium with stillness. A rare chance and moment one might just need.

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