Chapter 1: Scavenger Hunt

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            A perpetual sunset, casting a shadowy twilight glow over the ever-reaching forest

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A perpetual sunset, casting a shadowy twilight glow over the ever-reaching forest. This forest, once teeming with wildlife-- a scurry of squirrels in every tree, a flock of birds in every branch, a fluffle of rabbits beneath every root. As that perpetual sunset withered in the sky, the ground shook menacingly as an eerie breeze shook the trees. No creatures lived here anymore, for fear of the great evil presence they felt from the pit.

Suddenly, from the darkness cast by the branches above, the ground broke. A large scaly beast clawed out of the earth, pushing aside the trees and bellowing into the night sky. Waves of dark energy rippled in all directions as the creatures of the forest fled far away.

The beast was awake, crippled from his long imprisonment but furious nonetheless. Its power was returning, it could feel it. Soon enough, it would have the strength to exact its revenge.

Soon enough, it would destroy... her.


As the morning sun broke through the clouds beneath the village, the Loftwings stretched their wings as the students of the knight's academy trained for the upcoming wing ceremony. It was business as usual; each Skyloftian beginning their day as they always had, in peace. Even with the bustle of training, things were hardly different than the day before.

Not much ever changed in the quiet village of Skyloft. The shopkeepers set up their wares in the bazaar; Beedle peddled his shop in his floating hut above the village; the knights patrolled the skies; and the villagers arrived at the markets for work or to simply go about their days.

But there was one person whose routine had changed considerably with the upcoming wing ceremony. Her name, was Zelda. Golden hair catching the morning light, faded pink dress waving lightly in the calm breeze, she would have all eyes on her as she sat in the courtyard of the Goddess. Would have, if she weren't the headmaster's daughter. Despite being so closely related to the goings on of the academy however, she was not a knight-in-training herself, she just saw point in it.

So while the knights of the academy were hard at work training themselves and their Loftwings, Zelda was busy memorizing lines and sewing uniforms. She found most of that dull as well, and often snuck away from her duties to join her friends in the sky. The only reason she was doing her part at all was to cheer on her friends who were in the academy, but her heart was set on exploration. Just flying through the endless skies and seeing what the world had to offer.

That's not to say she hated every part of her role-- there was one thing she enjoyed working on; the Ballad of the Goddess. It was Zelda's duty to portray the Goddess herself in the wing ceremony, and that meant learning to play the harp, and singing.

As her Loftwing descended towards her, she finished her song.

"en dashevu, nobe, shondu

tje shotu kewenu sale

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