1st installment of the VGNU.
The birth of a Legend, the fall of a God, the rise of a Demon.
This is the beginning of the great tragedy of Hyrule and it's people, and the dangers that will torment them through the ages.
(Originally published 2017)
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Link threw open the door to the Sealed Temple, startling Groose and the old woman who were waiting patiently for Link's return.
"Took you long enough!" Groose laughed. "Glad to have you back Link."
The old woman got to her feet and started hobbling towards the back door. "Let's not keep her waiting any longer."
Link hurried ahead of them, reaching the door before the others had even crossed the room. The old woman had to stop Groose from running just as quickly, but Link had already entered the chamber where Zelda was being kept locked away.
He hesitated, his legs feeling weak as he stared up at Zelda through the crystal she was held in. As he stepped up to the crystal, the Triforce on his hand glowed and he placed his hand against the crystal. It glowed in response, tiny cracks forming from his fingertips. Link pressed harder, and the cracks spread wider. But Link wasn't a patient man, and dug his fingers into the cracks of the crystal, then ripped it apart with both hands.
The crystal surface shattered.
Zelda fell in slow motion, limp. She was weak from her nearly 200 year sleep, and as Link caught her she felt lighter than ever.
"Hey," Link said quietly. "Time to wake up."
Zelda's eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at Link. She laughed softly. "Good morning... Link."
Link and Zelda stepped back into the main room-- Link keeping her steady as she got used to walking again. Groose stared up at them with awe from the bottom of the stairs, frozen at the sight of her. It was the first time he'd seen her at all since the Ceremony.
"Zelda!" he exclaimed. "You- you woke up..."
Zelda bowed, a warm smile on her face. "Hi Groose."
For a moment, Groose stood there, unable to make up his mind on what he wanted to do next. Eventually, a steady stream of tears trickled down his cheeks, and he couldn't stop himself from crying. Link and Zelda laughed, coming down the stairs.
Groose grabbed Link, grinning widely. "You did it!" he sobbed. "You actually managed to do it!" He let Link go and hugged the old woman.
Link shook his head as he steadied himself, Zelda still beaming beside him.
Then in an instant it was all over, and something exploded in the middle of them, knocking them all back. When the smoke cleared... Ghirahim stood with his arms out wide, laughing.
"This is all very touching, really," he chuckled. "But I'm afraid I have to cut this emotional moment short." He picked up Zelda-- who had been knocked unconscious by the blast-- and slung her over his shoulder. "It's best for everyone if you forget about your friend. The little goddess is mine now!"