Chapter 2: The Wing Ceremony

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            As Link ran down the streets of Skyloft he noticed how empty they were becoming

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As Link ran down the streets of Skyloft he noticed how empty they were becoming. Everyone was already on their way to the ceremony, which meant Link had to hurry. Even if they were delaying it, he'd make everyone mad if he made them wait too long. Skyloft wasn't exactly a small town, but word got around quickly-- the good and the bad. If he made them wait and then didn't even show up, he'd never be allowed back at the academy.

And then if I lost they'd never forgive me, Link thought. He growled at himself. Think about that later.

He skipped across the boulders in the river and bolted up the hill to the cave by the waterfall. There Link drew his sword, and entered.

Inside was dark and damp. A bit of light broke through cracks in the ceiling, and water dripped from above as well. Training was often held here, fighting the little monsters that crept inside, so he was used to dealing with the Keese and Chuchus that inhabited the cave.

It was natural to him, sword-fighting, a simple task he could do without thinking, so it was no surprise that he easily found his way through to the other side with little complications. Most of the creatures actually tended to avoid the Humans, which is why they lived in caves instead of invading their homes, but there were still a few who were brave enough to try and attack so Link was glad Pipit reminded him to grab a sword.

When at last Link had arrived at the end of the cave he sheathed his sword and looked down the path that followed the edge of Skyloft. Here there was nothing below him, and the path was thin. With his bird he would've had nothing to worry about, but now if he fell there would be nothing to stop him.

Luckily, after a moment of walking close to the wall, falling wasn't a concern anymore. From around the corner he saw Zelda flying towards him on her Loftwing. She dropped down on the edge and ran up to him.

"Hey, Link," she smiled. "I was hoping I'd find you here."

"How'd you know where I was?" Link asked.

"I heard you'd gone searching for your bird around the waterfall," Zelda answered. "So I thought I'd fly around and help you look."

Zelda looked around them. The ledge only led one way but she was half hoping Link's Loftwing had been in the cave. "How's your search going? Any sign of your Loftwing?"

"Not yet," Link said sadly. "I actually wouldn't be surprised at this point if Groose changed his mind about where he hid my bird since Fledge overheard him."

"Oh no," Zelda gasped. "Well, let's not lose hope yet. There's a place up ahead that Groose and his gang are always hanging around. Maybe we'll find something there!"

Zelda turned her head slightly, looking over her shoulder at the clouds below them. "Huh?" she mumbled, less speaking and more like mouthing the words. "Who... Who's that? Who's calling me?"

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